Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 3, 1 March 2005 — Native Hawaiian Coalition is a large group with the common goal of nationhood [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Native Hawaiian Coalition is a large group with the common goal of nationhood
Aloha everyone! By now I hope everyone understands that Hawaiians are trying to work together. Where we ean agree, we do; if not, cannot; and then there is ground for discussion. The Native Hawaiian Coalition, a large group of Hawaiian leaders from the different communities of Hawai'i and the mainland, has been meeting to figure out what kind of governing Hawaiians want. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) has been trying to help by providing refreshments and clerical assistance to the group and keeping in touch with Rev. Kaleo Patterson, the leader. The going is hard and slow, but the group started with a blank page and
a lot of confusion. This process is frustrating for those who have been in the planning for over 30 years and exciting for those who are learning. They bring energy, different views and new concepts to consider. Still, this group of committed, volunteering, community-minded souls persevere through the many hours together. There are many other important activities going on and a lot of them on O'ahu. It is difficult to inform the beneficiaries of the Big Island because we cannot find a heek of a lot of you. There are a lot of issues and activities going on back home, but the people must be hoping somebody else going do the job because Hawaiians quit
attending these forums, I'm thinking. It is Legislature time and laws will be made without your participation. The point is, OHA needs to update your phone numbers and addresses (fax numbers, email, whatever) where we ean contact you. Do you realize that every week when OHA sends out the meeting agendas or the monthly Ka Wai Ola o OHA newsletter, or even to mail out brochures on grants and scholarships, a lot of mail gets returned. The cost of postage is outrageous! (I bet the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands would appreciate this update also!) Need I repeat who loses when OHA wastes money and not all is OHA's fault. Oh, minamina (regretful, sorryful) my
heart and mind. So, it's tax time again. It's the beginning of the year. Along with the diet and goals of increasing the savings account, help OHA help you. Please contact us and update your mailing address. No forget: when the Native Hawaiian eoalilion completes its task, we hope to better inform all Hawaiians of what happens - when it happens (not after). We hope everybody gets the Ka Wai Ola o OHA. If you want us to eome to your family reunions or clubs, or to make a get-together to let you know what OHA ean do for you, eall us and let us know. A hui hou, mālama pono ! V
Linda Dela Cruz Trustee, Hawai'i