Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2005 — Kamehameha Schools Song Contest [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kamehameha Schools Song Contest
More than 2,000 high school students at Kamehameha's Kapālama Campus vie for coveted awards in a choral singing competition like none other in the world. This year's theme of "Songs of the Early 20th Century" will prevail over boys, girls and co-ed competitions among freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. A spectacular hō'ike half-time multi-media show will present the finest in hula, music, drama and excitement. The program is aired live at 7 p.m., on KHON. NBC Arena. Free, but tickets are reserved for 'ohana of participating students. For information, eall 842-8211.
Fri., March 1 8 -
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