Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2005 — The Merrie Monarch Festival [ARTICLE]
The Merrie Monarch Festival
A week-long festival of cultural events including the world's most prestigious hula competition at the Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium. The festival begins with a Ho'olaule'a on Moku Ola (Coconut Island), Easter Sunday. On Wednesday, there is a free exhibition night at the stadium that begins at 6:30 p.m. featureing Johnny Lum Ho's Hālau O Ka Ua Kanilehua, Hālau o Kekuhi and more. Hula schools will compete in three categories including Miss Aloha Hula, Hula Kahiko and Hula 'Auana, Ihursday through Saturday. A grand parade winds through Hilo town on Saturday morning. Hilo, Hawai'i. Various times. For information, eall 808-935-9168.
Sun., Mar. 27-Sat., Apr. 2 -