Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 3, 1 March 2005 — Replacing Mahi [ARTICLE]

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Replacing Mahi

Some Hawaiians are upset with Mayor Mufi Hannemann for replacing Aaron Mahi as the bandleader of the city's Royal Hawaiian Band. There were many reasons why he was removed. First, all candidates went through a selection process by a blue ribbon committee. The top three candidates' names were submitted to Hannemann for his final selection. Mahi has been with the city since he was appointed more than 20 years ago by former Mayor Aileen Anderson. Through the years, he has become complacent in carrying out administrative duties and handling personnel issues and the other needs of the band. The musicians are all members of the HGEA union. Through the years, many internal problems and situations have occurred, numerous grievances were filed with the city, and nothing was done. They have met and conferred with Mahi many times to try to work things out, and still nothing positive was done. Out of frustration, more than threefourths of the band members signed a petition to have Mahi removed. Hannemann picked the best-qualified individual for the job, regardless of the individual's ethnicity. Aaron Mahi served the city well and we wish him nothing but the best in his future endeavors. As Hawaiians, our energies should be directed toward issues like fighting the crystal meth epidemic

that has permeated the well-being of our people. Steven Kalani Burke Sr. Pearl City