Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 2, 1 February 2005 — Why not use DNA testing to verify Hawaiian genealogy? [ARTICLE]

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Why not use DNA testing to verify Hawaiian genealogy?

Iwish to bring up an issue that may very well hit a political nerve with many people. Since DNA testing has gone way past paternity issues, why not have a DNA-certified genealogy? It has been no secret that many children, as well as orphans from the old days (Bishop Trust), eame from Hawaiians. Their past heritage disappeared. I remember quite well the dark times when being Hawaiian was a very bad thing. People went out of their way to make sure that their Hawaiian DNA was mixed between several ethnic groups. For example, I am Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, Hawaiian, Portuguese.

Everyone knew, and everyone allowed, a lie to take on a life of its own in the old days because of the stigma of being Hawaiian. Why not eome out of the closet and have everyone DNA tested who wishes to elaim their Hawaiian heritage? Even those people who were legitimate citizens of the Kingdom of Hawai'i should have their blood tested, registered and verified. Hawai'i has mueh to gain by keeping its past closer to the beginning of time. Why not? Keoni R. May Scarsdale , NY

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