Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 2, 1 February 2005 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Post-High Schoi_arships available from Kamehameha Schools
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To apply for a need-based scholarship from Kamehameha Schools, you must: 1 . Be a state of Hawai'i resident 2. Be classified as a degree seeking student at an eligible post-high institution 3. Be a full-time student
Applications and accompanying documents must be received by MAY 4, 2005. TIP: BEGI N YOUR APPLICATION AS EARLY AS YOU CAN . IF YOU PLAN TO SEND YOUR ITEMS IN THE MAIL, YOU SHOULD ALLOW 7-10 DAYS FOR DELI VERY.
For help with your application: O'ahu KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES 567 S. King Street, Suite 102 Through May 14: Monday - Friday, 7 a.m - 6:30 p.m. Saturdays, 8 a.m. - noon KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER AT NĀNĀKULI 87-2070 Farrington Highway, Space C ('ewa end of the Pacific Shopping Mall) Through May 1 1 : Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m. KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS WAIMĀNALO PRESCHOOL 41-235 llauhole Street Through May 1 1 : Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m. Hawai'i UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI'I AT HILO Feb. 8 & 22 / March 1 , 15 & 31 / April 7 &18: Noon and 2 p.m. at CC 313 HILO LAGOON CENTER Feb. 1 8 / March 3, 1 6 & 30 / April 5 & 20: 4:30 p.m. in Conference Room 145 Feb. 5 & 26: 10 a.m. in Conference Room 145 U.H. CENTER AT WEST HAWAI'I (KONA) Feb. 15 / March 8 / April 19: 12:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. in Building 4, Room 3 Maui MAUI COMMUNITY COLLEGE Feb. 10: 10 a.m. and noon in Ho'okipa Wong Room March 1 1 : Noon in Hale 218 April 14: Noon in Hale 218
wlth help from kamehameha schools flnancial ald and scholarship services, preshess wllletsVaguilar received a Bachelors degree in Public Administration from the University of Hawaii-West O'ahu in Fall 2004.
If you have questions or neeel more help, please eall: Financial Aid & Scholarship Services O'ahu (808) 534-8080 Toll-free 1-800-842-4682 Maui (808) 573-7077 Press 9> then Hawai'i (808) 982-0222 dlal 6Xt' 48080 Community Learning Center at Nānākuli (808) 668-1517 Kamehameha Schools Neighbor lsland Regional Resource Center (NIRRC) locations East Hawai'i ...(808) 935-0116 Maui (808) 871-9736 West Hawai'i . . .(808) 322-5400 Moloka'i/Lāna'i . .(808) 553-3673 Kaua'i (808) 245-8070 Kamehameha Schools Kamehameha Schools' policy is to give preference to applicants of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law.