Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2005 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Nā Pua No'eau, is offering several two-week educational enrichment classes this summer. The students accepted will be in residence at either the University of Hawai'i at Hilo or the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. Nā Pua No'eau classes are conducted using a Hawaiian education model that raises their education and career aspirations. "We eomhine the wisclom ofour ancestors with the passion ofour stajfand teachers to give them the confidence to make choicesfor theirjuture anel nurture the promise within all Native Hawaiian children." Contact your loeal Nā Pua No'eau office for more summer and non-residential program offerings! Talking Rocks - Grades 6-8 ^^^Pathways 2005 (Mai ka Nu 'u a i ka 'Ilikai ) - Grade 8 Students will investigate Hawaiian volcanoes (in the field) Imagfce Hawai'i over 500 years ago. How did our using technology of today to understand technology of the ancestors survive on the islands? You will examine how past. While learning to operate an X-ray fluorescen^^H^^™gE«|an ancestors managed natural resources (cared spectrometer, students will discover how the composition of for the lanel) within their ahupua'a (loeal community). lava differs island to island and as such, , " Students will alse explore current environmental issues trace the footsteps of their ancestors by the , r A affecting the aKpua'a and how stone tools they used. This class will >^l^Ēff^^^*M^^^Jraditional methods of require moderate hiking while in the field. ' natural resource management are Kaha Ki'i 'Āina (Seeing Hawai'i) - Grades fl(- 8 integrated into modem-day practices. How are the different parts of the 'āina connected? How I did the ancient Hawaiians manage the resources of the land Application Process: to protect their island home? How mueh impa J do we - Obtain and complete application from our web site or by u . have on the future of a heaUJ' 'āina and kai? contacting your loeal Nā Pua No'eau office. Come "see" how closely Hawai'i's plants, your comAted applieahon to Nā Pua No'eau's ■ weather, and oeean are connected and what pp|0 0ffjce |-,y March 24, 2005. y«u ean do to protect these resouies. 1 1 kT)U win be rfftTficd of your status Voyage Across the Universe - Grades 9 - 12 during the week of April 18, 2005. This program will take you from baseballs in your .... backyard to Black Holes in space. Come cllforate 100 around eiMlp In spacc anli auhe^hee mn i ngs " Have compted the required grade level of the class. and end of time itself ! Field tnps to Mauna | high interest in class that you are applying for. Kea and Mauna Loa, star gazing parties. Cost and Travel* 'Ikena Kālaelae (Hawaiian Carving) -Grades9-12 - There is no imtion and/orprogramfees. FREE Students will have the opportumtv to open their senses to - Interisland transmrtation will be provided to neighbor the art of Hawaiian carving. They will leam about various island participants. characters in our mo'olelo (stories) and how their portrayal . a t-shirt fee of $15.00 will be assessed t • displayed a foundation of leadership for the many genera- upon acceptance. tions ahead. Onee students me^ahle to klentify these ^ . A $50 refundable dorm/travel deposit expression to carve their own work of art. Students will ^ P P , Ni . j| and holistic view, incorporating Hawaiian - University of Hawai'i @ Mānoa - June 12 - 25, 2005. gathering rights, lua (Hawaiian martial - University of @ Hilo - June 19 - July 2, 2005. . arts), hula, oli, field exploration. ( j | ^JniverJmy of Hawai'i @ Hilo - July 10 - 23, 2005.