Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 2, 1 February 2005 — Grinds from the ground [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Grinds from the ground
1 W n March of 2003, the Wai'anae Redevelopment | I Corp. folks opened the Aloha 'Āina Cafe to feature I _M_the organic produce grown by the interns at MA'O \ Farm and to promote healthy food in the community, H whieh has one of the highest rates of obesity-related S disease in the state. Rather ironically located across \ the street from McDonalds in Wai'anae town, the cafe \ has heeome a favorite with residents and visitors with a taste for more than just the area's standard, high-fat plate luneh fare. "A lot of our regulars are people who work at the Wai'anae health center, lifeguards and loeal people who are making a conscious effort to change their diet," says
cafe manager Kaleo ' Johnson. "And it's
great way to incorporate what the kids are growing at the farm."
At first, she admits, customers coming īn off the street had to adjust to the menu, whieh features such signature dishes as the popular Portuguese bean soup, "lifeguard's kālua quesadilla" and taro or turkey burgers. "In the beginning, people would say, 'What, no ehieken katsu?"" Kaleo laughs. "But we told them they could always go across the street if that's the kind of food they wanted." The cafe also serves smoothies and espresso drinks, along See CAFE on page 1 8
Aloha 'Aina staffers Kaleo Johnson and Chisa Dodge