Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2005 — Akana vs. Rubin [ARTICLE]
Akana vs. Rubin
I truly hope the "who ean disrespect who more" situation is pau between Winona Rubin and Rowena Akana. It is discouraging to think that criticism and disdain overrides sensibility and eommon decency amongst valued members of our Hawaiian leadership. Second-hand accounts of anything laek credibility and pointing fingers is just as risky. Having read the letters to KWO involving these two women, I wonder how many others out there eeho my thoughts when I say: clearly these two women just don't like eaeh other, plain and simple. Who, what, where, why? Spare me the details. I don't care how you feel about eaeh other, but I do care about work results, quality representation and the level of maturity required to move forward, not backward. You are entrusted by the Hawaiian people with the kuleana to preserve our future as a people. It is a noble status and your work is valued. Please take care not to complicate the issues that really count. P. Wahine'imiola McDougall Nānākuli OHA resen>es the right to edit all lettersfor length, defamatory ond libelous >naterial, and other objectionable content, and resen>es the right not to print ony submission. All letters must be typed, signed ond not exceed 200 words. Letters eannoī be published unless they ond incJude a telephone contoctfor verification. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd„ Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813, or email kwo@oha.org.