Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 22, Number 1, 1 January 2005 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Free Training on How to Apply for Funding from the ^aŪDūD0DQ0«iM?gl1fQ®DD īf®cr GMW® ^DD0@[70@glDDS VM/&1 provided by Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement We Can Help Yoo Cet the Funding Your Froject Needs

ANA Funds: Community-Driven Projects by and for Native Peoples in traditional practices, eeonomie development and so mueh more! Last year, ANA gave out *57 million in grants! • Social & Eeonomie Pevelopment Strategies Frogram (SEPS) • Language Freservation & Maintenance Frogram Minimum Crant: ?25,000 per year Maximum Orant: ?500,000 per year (sepsi A Must For: • Nonproft Agencies serving Native peoples of Hawai'i, American Samoa, Cuam and/or CNMI • Fublic Agencies serving Native Feoples of Hawai'i, American Samoa, Cuam and/or CNMI • Colleges 3- Universities serving Native Feoples located in Hawai'i, Ameiiean Samoa, Cuam or CNMI CNHA Can Help You! Last year, CNHA helped more than S0£ of the Facific Region applicants who scored in the funding range! Our training and technical assistance works. We want to help you!

Training Dates: • Jan 17-19 at Honolulu Airport Hotel • Jan 24-26 at Maui 6each Hotel 'm Kahului • Feb 2-4 at King Kamehameha Kona Peaeh Hotel • Feb 9-11 at Kulana 'Oiwi PHHL Conference Koom on Molokai • Feb 25-25 at Kadisson Kauai 5each Kesort For More lnfo or to Register, Contact CNHA: 33 South King Street, Suite 515, Honolulu, HI 96815 Firect Tel: S0S.521.5011 Toll-Free: S00.709.2642 Yia E-Mail: info@anapacilic.org Website: www.anapacific.org What People are Saying: ' "I would recommend this workshop to anyone I know who has an interest in the grant writing process." • "IVe been to several grant-writing workshops, and this is by farthe best/ • "Staff exuded confidence, a clear understanding of V aNv.T A issue, was personable and / y\TH/v kept discussion relative. nat'ive americans

Building E30AP for the Home Lands

DHHL's Home Ownership Assistance Program

HOAP is designed to improve homeownership opportunities statewide through homebuyer counseling and ownership readiness training for beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. This program will also assist existing lessees of Hawaiian Home Lands.

"This program was created to help our beneficiaries heeome financially ready to own their own homes and take advantage of ihe thousands ofleases that will be awarded in ihe coming years," explained Hawaiian Homes Commission Chairman Mieah Kane.

HOAP Statewide Implementation: • 18 HOAP Orientation Sessions • 41 Rounds of Homebuyer Education and Financial Literacy Courses • 8 DHHL Application and Genealogy Workshops • Case Management Services as needed

HOAP Training Topics: • Hawaiian Homes * Commission Act • Mortgage Lending « • Budgeting and Saving • Credit Repair *

CNHA congratulates DHHL on their innovative approach to returning Native Hawaiians to the land. HOAP Information Call Center Direct Tel: 808.791.3403 • Toll Free Tel: 866.897.4384 DirectFax: 808.791.3405 • Toll Free Fax: 866.897.4385 /£\ Email: info@dhhlhoap.org • Website: www.dhhlhoap.org \9J HOAP is a Department of Hawaiian Home Lands program, administered by the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement