Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 12, 1 December 2004 — HE AHA KOU MANAʻO? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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What woulā you say to the judges in the lawsuit against OHA and DHHL?

"What's right is right; it's as simple as that. This is not about some people getting special treatment anel others not. This is about reparations for damages that have been done to a people. To impose laws on a people who had laws already is not right." — Laiana Wong, Kalihi

"Simply put, I believe it is time that we receive some justice. We as Hawaiians are the host culture; this our home, and we have nowhere else to go." — Sharleen Heanu, Wai'anae

"The Native Hawaiian people are indigenous people, and as such we are entitled to the kinds of programs that the other native people of the United States system have. For years, Congress has passed bills that gave money to Hawaiian programs, so why they still haven't formalized our status, I don't know." — Roy Benham, Waikīkī

"All we want the judges to do is what is right. This is not about race at all; it's about justice toward the people, and this is way long overdue." — Pearl Haili, Pana'ewa
