Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2004 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Free Training on How to Apply for Funding from the MMoD8$tf[?§]ft8®Gī] fF®[? G0§]?8 m ^omi®[?B@g][fDS (M£\D ^ provided by Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement UP' We Can Help Yoo Cet the Funding Your Project Needs

ANA Funds: Community-Driven Projects by and for Native Peoples in traditional practices, eeonomie development and so mueh more! Last year, ANA gave out *57 million 'w two programs! • Social & Leonomie Pevelopment Strategies Program (SFPS) • Language Preservation & Maintenance Program Minimum Crant: ?25,000 per year Maximum Orant: ?500,000 per year (sepsi A Must For: • Nonproft Agencies serving Native peoples of Hawai'i, American Samoa, Cuam and/or CNMI • Public Agencies serving Native Peoples of Hawai'i, American Samoa, Cuam and/or CNMI • Colleges 3- Universities serving Native Peoples located in Hawai'i, Ameiiean Samoa, Cuam or CNMI CNHA Can Help You! Last year, CNHA helped more than S0£ of the Paeiiie Region applicants who scored in the funding range! Our training and technical assistance works. We want to help you!

Training Uates: • Nov. 5-5 at Hawai'i Naniloa Hotel in Hilo • Nov 10-12 at Maui Heaeh Hotel 'm Kahului • Pee S-10 at Kaua'i Marriot Kesort & Heaeh Club 'm Kapa'a For More lnfo or to Register, Contact CNHA: 33 South King Street, Suite 515, Honolulu, HI 96S15 Pirect Tel: S0S.521.5011 Toll-Free: S00.709.2642 Yia F-Mail: info@anapacilic.org Website: www.anapacific.org What People are Saying: • "I would recommend this workshop to anyone I know who has an interest in the grant writing process." • "IVe been to several grant-writing workshops, and this is by farthe best." • "Staff exuded conlidence, a clear understanding of issue, was personable and kept discussion relative." Training and Technical / ApJA Assistancemadepossible i „ with support from: ^ ^2^ na^eamerican|

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