Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 11, 1 November 2004 — KAU INOA on the move [ARTICLE]
KAU INOA on the move
By Stephen K. Morse Avery important step in raising a Hawaiian nation is the registration of Native Hawaiians declaring a desire to be part of the nationbuilding process. This fundamental step, "Kau Inoa" (to plaee your name), was launched in January, and in its llth month is growing by leaps and bounds. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Kau Inoa Community Outreach Team is on the move, seeking out and enrolling Hawaiians in Hawai'i and abroad. Working with community partners like Hawai'i Maoli ine. and the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC), OHA's Hawaiian Governance staff is helping to coordinate enrollment events - large and small - to engage Hawaiians in the process of nation-building. In the past few months, OHA staff and registrars from the AHCC have been on the road, enrolling Hawaiians from the North Shore of O'ahu to Phoenix, Arizona. They have participated in events such as the North Shore Sunset on the Beach, Waimānalo Sunset on the Beach and the Heard Museum's 75th Anniversary Celebration in Phoenix. Presentations have been made to Kamehameha Schools' students at Kaleiopapa
Dormitory on the Kapālama Campus, the Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center-Punalu'u Unit staff and Unele Bill Wallace's Hawaiian History class at BYUHawai'i. Hawaiians in the Ko'olauloa area between Kahana Valley and Kahuku ean expect to see mueh more of us in the next month or so. The outreach team has been concentrating its enrollment activities in this area since Oct.l. We'll be knocking on doors, talking about Kau Inoa at eommunity meetings, and setting up booths at shopping centers like the one at Lāi'e. Look for us in your neighborhood. Invite us to your eommunity or 'ohana meetings. A Kau Inoa T-shirt will be given to those who turn in completed enrollment forms while supplies last. We encourage individuals and community groups including eanoe clubs, hālau hula, churches, athletic teams and others to help promote Kau Inoa. Call 594-0219 for information on how to heeome a community volunteer. E kau inoa mai e kukulu i aupuni hou no ka 'oiwi. Plaee your name and register to help build a new nation for Hawaiians. Steven Morse is a policy advocate with OHA's Hawaiian Governance division. I