Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 10, 1 October 2004 — HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY(HECO) EAST OAHU TRANSMISSION PROJECT [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
UNMARKED UURIAL SITE l«TlCĒ NŪTICE 15 HEREGT CIVfcN t-,al HECO is plaiinir>g to undartakfl Ihe 1ollowing prq ectE in tha MaKnloa. MoCully. King 5īrooi and Knpnh ntighbūrhooda c& Honalulu {aau accornpanying mape;«. HECO is raquēelin-ginformatton r-sgarding 1ha location ol i"narked t?urial siiflī contnning himon 5keletol rtrnalns lhat rnay bt annūunttrad In ihe couraa ol iheaa proj«:ta. Thie wll parrnit HECOtodo avery1hing posaibla 1o avoid diEturbing burial&. Any id8nli1iod buriol sitfl& lhot oannot bfl &uddad imII ba givan prapar tiaatrnant in aocūfTdance with Chapter EE Hawai i Reviaad Siatu1ae, Secbon 43. IF any rflmaina arfl inadvflrtflrtly flrcon.rterfld ni inknpwn|,undi5dor'fld bu-lal £jtes dui cūnstrudlūn, prūpar 1rea1ment ahallocojrin aūcordanoe with Chap1er EE. Hawai'i Revised Sta1ulee, Sflotion43.6. The deciEion whethflr to prfl5flrve m plaee or disintflrond rakx:otfl 1ha human tamaln&±hal be made by tha State Hist«ic Preaend'atiūn Diviaat'& Euial S lee PiDgram , aa pmvided by law. HECO i& requeEtjng that ANVQN E WITH INFORMATIONREGARDING BURlALS ŪR ŪTHER SITE£ IN PROXIM FTY TOTHE ABOVE LlSTE D PROJECTSimmedialely contaclMa. Mary Camey, burialEfaoiit3.t-or. Euiial 5j[es Progromal lhfl 5ioifl Hiīioio Preservatkin DMaon located al EEE KakLhihewa Building, ED1 Kamekila Boulevard. Kapole, Ha'/aii 96707 ITĒJflphone: 6OiS-507-(X>4O : F^ 0O^587-(X>44) Or eoll Kfirvii Kapellataat 692-6037.
■ Makalua - TrriiLhiiiig uf i Makalua Elml trom Ihe Makaloa āuUaMkin to Mom Srrol ' * Makaloa and McCully - fcslabng ducte <dotted lines> wii t>e usett kom ^ni ♦ alung Makalua Strrrt, Kalak aua Avenue. F-ern Sfreet. Heuoll Stteet and L imei n-1 1,-, lhflMrCuly 8iie;blirn ,il
. ue ai ■! PuiK^iai ii 5liurls. Nu Itki uliiuu ieahbclpeted. McCuly - Tranching rn Piimehnn.n Slrflnl 1rcm Ume Ebeetlc Date Streel. KapahiAi - Trflnchng on Date Streflt m - liunl ul ttir Kaniuku SLtisla,liLfi und cri Wlnam Avenue. IVorri Mo'ct>eau Avenue loHn'ūliiluaieKa
■ Kalakaua A'jefiur and H akaLa Slirrl Meiaeeien - lteplace ejū&1ing wwk! pole Ailh a WDūd prlr "1 a slighlly lnrgrr dlarneter. ► PunahoA Slreet snd Fflm Street lntef wehm - Heulaoe exisliivg ',VLod pulrwitti a wuud peie ol a ekghtty larger dlameter.
* Cocke. Klng arvd McCUly Slreete- lrencrn>g on Coske Sfreet aeulh ol Klng Sfree1: on Klng 3lreel lrom eooke Sfreet to McCUIy Slreet: and oo HcG.iity 8treet lrom Kng Street 1o Young SHee1.