Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2004 — DHHL evictions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DHHL evictions

I take offense to the comments shared by Linda Dela Cruz regarding evictions on Hawaiian Home Lands (KWO, Aug 2004). I find her comments demeaning to those homeowners who pay their mortgages and taxes in a timely manner. The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands does not evict anyone without first trying to work out a payment plan. We have to teach our people to be responsible adults, not "leeches." Wherever you live, either rent or mortgage has to be paid. The owner or the entity holding the mortgage has the inalienahle right to collect their due. This is not a world of freebies. If we taught our people to be responsible people, they would heeome independent and able to help others. A good start is to take a course in finances. Hawai'i Community Assets has and continues to sponsor seminars for homeowners and potential homeowners. Let's be more akamai and teach our people rather than make excuses for them. Allen H. Ai Pukalani, Maui


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