Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 9, 1 September 2004 — The treasures of Kauaʻi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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The treasures of Kauaʻi

Editor's Note: This monīh, Trustee Cataluna's eolumn was authored by his wife, Dorothy Atua Cataluna. Aloha kākou mai ka moku 'o Kaua'i! Last month on Kaua'i, I had the privilege of attending with my husband, Trustee Donald Cataluna, two eommunity events. The first was at Kekaha where the Hawaiian community eame together. The event was entitled Pilipa'a o Kekaha hosted by the Kekaha Hawaiian Homestead Association. The evening was to honor kūpuna who lived in Kekaha and Ni'ihau, acknowledging all they did for the benefit of the community. This time was also to showcase the aeeomplishments of the students of the summer reading program. Kūpuna honored were Benjamin Naka'ahiki Sr., Minnie Keolamau Takahashi Naka'ahiki, Thomas Takahashi, Margaret Feliz, Sam Fong and Emalia Pualeinani Nī'au Licayan. The state libraries summer reading program participants were: Wilson Kauakahi, Wesley Schmidt, Love Kelley, Happy Nī'auKanahele, Joanna Borja, Maile Albarado, Chalani Kawaihālau and

Jordan 01igo. Director of the program was Dr. Leila Nitta; Leah Pereira was the coordinator. The four teachers were: Linda Ibara, Renee Takahashi, Estrellita Castillo (EA) and Yvette Naka'ahiki (EA). Billie Smith, principal of Kekaha Elementary School, allowed the use of the school library. Funding for this reading program was provided by OHA with the help of Trustees Oswald Stender and Donald Cataluna. By incorporating the 'ōpio of the summer reading program, eaeh student had the privilege to recognize eaeh honored kupuna with a short talk about the honoree. Entertainment was provided by musicians formerly from Ni'ihau. U'ilani Ka'ohelauli'i is the group's leader. They are Independence Hoa Ka'ohelauli'i, Dana Ka'ohelauli'i, Eli Ka'ohelauli'i, Ronnie Ka'ohelauli'i, and Nawai Ka'ohelauli'i. The sound system was provided by Kay Ehu Kanahele. Kekaha Hawaiian Homestead Association officers are: Richard Kanahele, President; Marlene Kali, Vice President; U'ilani Ka'ohelauli'i, Secretary; Leah Pereira, Treasurer; Lu Koerte, Sergeant-at-arms. Directors are: Kanani

Beniamina, Mary Kanahele, Carol Naka'ahiki, and Rose Vaivao. Then, on Mon., July 19, we traveled to the eastside of Kaua'i to Anahola. The Anahola community eame together to celebrate and dedicate a new building at the Anahola Community Center. Onee again, the focus was on the youngsters and the adults of Anahola. Reverend Frank Puni officiated at the blessing and the untying of the maile lei. The building is named: "Ka Hale Pono 'Ohana Education Center." Sen. Daniel Inouye was instrumental in getting this project underway. The children of Anahola will be able to use the seventeen computers situated in the new building after school hours with instructors to aid them. The project was many years in the making. Participants included Kaua'i Community College Chancellor, Peggy Cha, who represented the lead agency in getting the building located next to the Anahola Clubhouse built and furnished. Cathy Simao of Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center spoke. Computers were obtained through the HUD rural-develop-ment project. OHA trustees provided a grant to

Kaua'i Community College for the afternoon program for keiki. The special chairs for eaeh eomputer were donated by community individuals - many were dedicated to the memory of parents and grandparents of the individual donor. The State Community School for adults will provide computer literacy programs for kūpuna. A very special part of the afternoon was when an Anahola resident, Kainani Kahaunaele eame to entertain the gathering. Kainani is a student at the University of Hawai'i Hilo campus. She is currently preparing for a master's degree in Hawaiian studies. She encouraged the youth to attend school and to seek higher education. Kainani is a 2004 Nā Hōkū Hanohano award winner for female vocalist of the year and other honors. The intent of both communities was focused on helping their youth succeed. It was about how the kūpuna and the young mothers and fathers eome together to better the lives of their children. Ua lōkahi ke kaiaulu me ke aloha no ka pono o kākou a pau ! ■

Donald B. Cataluna Trustee, Kaua'i and Ni'ihau