Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 9, 1 September 2004 — KWO SURVEY RESULTS [ARTICLE]
In June and July, we published our periodic Ka Wai Ola o OHA readership survey seeking input from our readers on the kind of job KWO has been doing and how we might improve it. We are deeply grateful to all those who took the time to answer. Although this was by no means a scientific survey, it enables us to judge how well we are serving our readers. As in past years, the largest number of respondents were female kūpuna with more than 50 percent Hawaiian blood quantum. Nearly half of those who responded said they live on O'ahu, while a substantial number, 28 percent, reside on the U.S. continent. Hawai'i
island had the third most respondents, with 12 percent. We were gratified that more than 60 percent said Ka Wai Ola is their main source of news about Hawaiian issues. By and large, the paper received high marks for coverage and appearance, but there are still a number of areas in whieh respondents said we could be doing better. (See selected comments on opposite page.) In particular, more than half said they would like to see more coverage of education, heahh, native rights and Neighbor Island issues. We will try to better address these topics in the future. Mahalo nui for your input.
1. Where do you live? 1. Hawai'i island 12% 2. Kaua'i 2% 3. Lāna'i 1% 4. Maui 8% 5. Moloka'i 2% 6. O'ahu 47% 7. On the continent 28% 2. What is your gender? 1. Female 60% 2. Male 40% 3. What is your age? 1. Under 18 1% 2. 19-28 2% 3. 29-36 3% 4. 37-47 12% 5. 48-60 30% 6. Kupuna (61 and over) 52% 4. What is your education level? 1. Not a high school graduate 6% 2. High school graduate or equivalent 22% 3. High school graduate with some college 43% 4. College graduate (BA/BS degree) 18% 5. Master's degree or higher 12% 5. What is your Hawaiian blood quantum? 1. 50 percent or more 51% 2. Less than 50 percent 36% 3. None 13% 6. What is your annual household ineome? 1. Less than $25,000 25% 2. $25,001 - $50,000 38% 3. $50,001 - $75,000 17% 4. $75,001 - $100,000 10% 5. More than $100,000 8% 7. How would you describe your command of the Hawaiian language? 1. Native speaker (Hawaiian first language) 2% 2. Fluent 0% 3. Moderate 16% 4. Limited 67% 5. None 15% 8. How īniieh of Ka Wai Ola do you usually read? 1. 75% - 100% 55% 2. 50% -75% 33% 3. 25% -50% 4% 4. Less than 25% 8% 9. How many people other than yourself usually read your copy of Ka Wai Ola'! Average readers per copy: 2.4
10. Where do you usually get your copy of Ka Wai Olal 1. In the mail 91% 2. From a puhlie huilding or other dist. point 3% 3. Online at www.oha.org 2% 4. Other 3% 11. Whieh of the following would you describe as your main source of OHA-related news? 1. KaWaiOīa 76% 2. Daily newspapers 11% 3. Loeal magazines 1% 4. Television 5% 5. Internet 4% 6. Other 3% 12. Whieh of the following would you describe as your main source of Hawaiian news in general? 1. KaWaiOIa 64% 2. Daily newspapers 18% 3. Loeal magazines 2% 4. Television 6% 5. Internet 6% 6. Other 4% 13. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola does a good job of covering important Hawaiian issues. 1. Strongly agree 33% 2. Agree 54% 3. No opinion 9% 4. Disagree 4% 5. Strongly disagree 0% 14. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola 's appearance is appealing 1. Strongly agree 28% 2. Agree 56% 3. No opinion 12% 4. Disagree 3% 5. Strongly disagree 0 15. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola 's Iayout is easy to navigate. 1. Strongly agree 27% 2. Agree 61% 3. No opinion 10% 4. Disagree 2% 5. Strongly disagree 0% 16. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola 's calendar ofevents is useful to me. 1. Strongly agree 30% 2. Agree 48% 3. No opinion 15% 4. Disagree 6% 5. Strongly disagree 1% 17. In general, do you Ihink Ka Wai Ola articles are: 1. Too long 9% 2. Ahout the right length 75% 3. Too short 4% 4. No opinion 12%
18. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee cohimns ojfer adequate coverage of the trustees ' activities and views. 1. Strongly agree 13% 2. Agree 52% 3. No opinion 23% 4. Disagree 10% 5. Strongly disagree 2% 19. Do you agree with this statement? I want to personaIIy become more invo!ved with poIiticaI and community issues that ajfect Hawaiians. 1. Strongly agree 26% 2. Agree 37% 3. No opinion 31% 4. Disagree 6% 5. Strongly disagree 0% 20. In the chart helow, indicate how mueh coverage you Ihink future issues of Ka Wai Ola should devote to the following subjects:
x%r\ Sovereignty/ Hawaiian governance 48% 7% 40% 5% Politics 49% 10% 26% 16% Education 63% 2% 32% 3% Health 66% 4% 27% 3% Native rights & legal issues 70% 2% 25% 3% Business 37% 11% 43% 9% OHA news 37% 8% 50% 5% Non-OHAnews 11% 23% 43% 23% OHA trustee activities 28% 21% 44% 8% OHA editorials 29% 15% 49% 7% Community editorials 35% 11% 45% 8% Neighbor islands 55% 4% 38% 3% Culture, music & art 51% 3% 42% 4% Calendar of events 42% 5% 50% 3% Profiles & personalities 40% 7% 46% 8% Hawaiian language 49% 5% 41% 5% features Q&A interviews 48% 6% 38% 8%