Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 9, 1 September 2004 — Senate Staffer Dr. Patricia M. Zell, Esq. honored in grand Hawaiian style [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Senate Staffer Dr. Patricia M. Zell, Esq. honored in grand Hawaiian style
On Aug. 20, more than 400 people gathered to honor Dr. Patricia M. Zell, Esq., long-time congressional staffer on the Senate Committee of lndian Affairs, who will be leaving her post at the end of the year. For more than two decades, Dr. Zell has advocated for a myriad of programs benefiting American lndians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians. "Patricia Zell has her 'fingerprints' on many programs Hawaiians enjoy today," said Sen. Daniel K. lnouye, referring to Pūnana Leo, the Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Alu Like ine. and many more. Among the formal ho'okupu presented to Zell was a Hawaiian name, "Kaleikaumakaikahano" (the beloved person who is looked upon with love, dignity and respect). "I am truly overwhelmed," said Zell in closing remarks. "I will take this aloha and mana with me and cherish it always." ■
^ i Sen. Daniel K. lnouye shares a moment with Patricia M. ZelL Esq.
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