Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 9, 1 September 2004 — Kau Inoa [ARTICLE]

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Kau Inoa

Want to help create the Hawaiian Nation? Want to uphold the legacy of our ancestors? Want to act instead of talk, talk, talk?

Then simply fill out the Kau Inoa application and heeome part of the official list of Hawaiian voters whieh will be used only for building the nation and assessing national needs. The Hawaiian Coalition, Hawaiian organizations and individuals who have been meeting to establish the steps in nation-build-ing and have fiercely upheld Hawaiian rights, will monitor the Kau Inoa process whieh is maintained by Hawai'i Maoli. Kau Inoa is an act of self-deter-mination, birthed and controlled by Hawaiians. On the other hand, delaying registering may mean Hawaiians will be dictated to by the provisions of the Akaka Bill or manipulated by power and money-hungry persons with private political agendas - instead of by the grassroots who want to uplift all Hawaiians. Nevertheless, if you want to maintain the status quo; or if you believe in the Akaka Bill and its indigenous native status; or if you believe in independence; or if you are still unsure, join Kau Inoa. Let us unite, educate ourselves on all the options and decide for ourselves our form of government and, more important, our future. Lela M. Hubbard Aiea, O'ahu OHA reserves the right to ed.it aU \etters for length, defcimatory anel libelous material, anel other objectioncible content, anel reserves the right not to print any submission. AU letters must be typed, signed anel not exceed. 200 words. Letters eannot be published unless they are signed anel include a telephone eontcict for verification. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi' oleini BlvcL, Ste. 500, Honolulu, H1 96813, or email kwo@ohci.org. ■