Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 8, 1 August 2004 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I M A R K E T P L A C E Makeke Classifieds only Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: 6 1 O m ()1, v at 711 Kapi'olani BIvd., Honolulu, III 96813. Y ™ ■ w U Make eheek payable to OIIA.

AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE: $69.95/mo per family. Pre-existing conditions accept.ed. The non-insur-anee solution. ,Savings on hospitals, doctors, dental, vision and mueh more ! Call Myrah at. 808-696-5113. CE06778. ALWAY S FMESH OPIHI FROM BIG ISLAND: For graduation, weddings, polit.ical party lūa'us, etc. Real ono, fresh frozen, $199gal., $103-1/2 gal. Call O'ahu: 808-262-7887. ( ANAL)A DISCOUNT HEALLHCARE CENTRE OF HAWAI'I: Save up to 86% 011 prescription inedications, no cost, no obligat.ion quote, Call our Honolulu office at 808-377-1975. www.Canadarx.us. DESIRE EXCHANGE OF MAKU'U AG LOT: 5 vacant acres with infrastructure for Kula Residential (2 vacant acres with infrast.ructure). Call: 808-539-4667. F()R SALE: Papakēlea 3 bedroom, 2 baths $230,000. Leasehold all DHHL. Call Channaine I. Quilit ® @ 808-295-4474, Century 21 Realt.y Specialists Corp. F()R SALE: Vacant land in Pana'ewa / Hilo (5 acres) $87,000, Kēōkea / Kula (2 acres) $40,000 & 50,000; Kalama'ula / Moloka'i (42,000 sq.ft,) $15,000. Leasehold all DHHL. Call Charmaine 1. Quilit® @ 808-295-4474, Century

21 Realt.y Specialists Corp. F()R SALE, KULA, MAUI: Vacant. lot, .78 acres. Gorgeous view. Must be 50% Hawaiian and willing to build now. 50K. Serious only. 800-700-6763. HAWAIIAN MEMOMIAL, GREENHAVEN: 3 plots, side by side, $5,000/all. Call: Eddie 808*-885-8444/808-936-4711. INCOME FROM HOME. FREE BONUS: No computer needed. Send $15 check/money order to Lehua Ent.erprises, Box 861419, Wahiawā, H1 96786. Information sent ASAP. KONA COFFEE 100%: $18/lb., specify dark/ medium, whole bean/ ground. Shipping $4/lb. Visa/ MC/ American Express. 808-966-4035. Richard's Fruit Stand, Box 2895, Kailua-Kona, III 96745. LANI) WANTED: Waimānalo/ Kailua Kāne'ohe/ Maunawili/ Kualoa/ Waikāne; any zoning; Undeveloped; 0.25 to 1.5 acres; around $100,000 (around), no utilities; above sea level. Road easeinent. Email: sue@kteclmologies.coin or eall 808-262-0443. LARGE COLLECTION OF OLI) PICTURES OF HAWAI'I: Scenery, outer island, kings, queens, etc... Copies for sale or

trade. Call Akoni for details. 808-922-0003. MOLOKA'I HOMESTEAD LOT F()R SALE: Ho'olehua, Pala'au vacant. lot #10. Water inet.er and electric, ready to build. 1/2 acre, 50% Hawaiians only. Call: 808-261-1814. P()N( I1()'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar wat.er lieat.ing contract.or, utility rebates, tax credits, save money. HECO & MECO approved independent. contractor, new syst.ems, pool lieating systems, repairs. Free estimates. O'ahu: 808-422-4266; Maui; 808-760-2345. Located in Wai'ōhuli Homestead. THINKING OF BUYING ()R SELLING LEASEHOLD ()R FEE SIMPLE PROPERTIES? : Call ehannaine 1. Quilit® @ 808-295-4474, Century 21 Realty Specialists Corp. WANTED: Hawaiian Homestead in Papakōlea only. Call: 808-778-3779. WANTED-HOMESTEAD WAI'ŌHULI L()T. KULA, MAUI: We are on the OIIIIL list and ean pay cash. Call: 808-572-6997 or 808-280-1144. WAMEI) WAI'ŌHULI ()R KĒŌKEA, KULA LOI: For a young family of five witliout. a lot of kālā, but pre-qualified for loan. 808-248-8449, evenings. ■