Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 8, 1 August 2004 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
@ I fa wm I D ) V"* < I _ _ J V I m-MiM Fcdcral Burcau of [nvestigation Male ancf Pemale special agen1s 8achelor's or graduate coliege degree from an aocrediled mstilu1ion Wationwide emplūyment ■ Compuler ScienofefJntormalk>n TecJ>nology. Engineering. Scieoces (Architedur&, Bio-chemi&lry. 6tūlogy. Chemislry. Foreosics, Malhemaiiea. Nuieine}, Physīcs, medical specialties), Law. Languages. Aeoounlip^'Pinaoee. Intelligence. Foreign Ccuniefiklei!igence, Counterferrorism v 2-3 yeais slrong prū1essK>nali'investigativfeimanagerial wort feKperience desired * 23-36 year& of a^e * 0re9 pofccyj"d mg lesang m3ndalūry Eniiy4evet salary (GS-10) is 545.060 Academy training; 555.409 - 560.143 upon graduaiBūn. induding locality.lavailabtf<Hy pay I*/*' * f + m * * I J: l d, " / ■ V m m w , ?