Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2004 — Words of aloha for the passage of a beloved kupuna [ARTICLE]
Words of aloha for the passage of a beloved kupuna
This poem was written in honor and memory of Kupuna Thelma Ka'ohulani Kaha'iali'i Ka'awaloa, who passed away in her home in Makawao, Maui on May 14. 1 would like to share these humble words with those who are now or already have had to experience the letting go of our dear kūpuna as they continue with the journey of their souls. We acknowledge that they leave their legacy of wisdom and the comfort of unconditional love. But more importantly, the kūpuna leave us with this: the knowledge that we ean stand proud and eaeh say: I am Hawaiian . . . Aloha ke Kupuna When last I saw you, I left in so mueh pain Knowing never to kiss or to hold you again Those feelings are human but comforting to the heart Why must it be this way that from me you depart?
I am selfish, I know, to want you just for me Perhaps only time ean help to set me free Your soul has its own kuleana to accomplish and fulfill I forget that you leave of your own free will The manner in whieh you have touched my soul Compares to no other Love: new or old In your arms I long to be, my head upon your breast Safe, and untouchable from all of the rest I'll see you in the sunlight and feel you in the rain I honor your legacy; it shall not be left in vain Aloha ke Kupuna, your spirit lives within Because of you, I stand proud and know: I AM HAWAIIAN. Jo'Lin Kaleonahenaheokalani Colburn Papakōlea
L e k a Ka I e I e