Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 7, 1 July 2004 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CNHA's^jrd Annual 'Native 'Mhwaiian (Laiifereiice La'ahia ka Mana o na Owi-EmpowemeHop the Future
-an annual gathering 4 Ē 1 dedicated to Native Hawaiian I \£ĒJ JJ / community development | Pleme'īlain 'IM I August 3T-September 3, 2004-Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort & Spa
lPīmemtatum& • Congressman Neil Abercrombie • Congressman Eel Case • Patricia Zell, U.S. Senate Committee on inelian Affairs • Mahealani Kamau'u, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation • Quanah Crossland Stamps, Administration for Native Americans • Ron Allen, Jamestown S'Kallam Tribe • AFN's lnternational Eeonomie Development Summit Report 'Exriting rWaik&fiap& \ 'Event& • Oli by Kumu Leina'ala Kalama Heine • Federal Self-Governance Policy Forum • O'ahu Mayoral Candidates Luneheon • Na Leo 'Oiwi Concert • Court Cases lmpacting Native Hawaiian Communities • Grants & Resources Workshop • Genealogy & Ancestry Workshop
'l£ggi&ter Tadag ! Online at www.hawaiiancouncil.org or by calling toll-free at 800.709.2642 or from O'ahu at 808.521.5011. Sign up now to take advantage of special member | and early registration rates! I Scholarships are available. I 'MaEala ta Qur £ead Spam&am H Administration for Native Americans I American Savings Bank I Bank of Hawaii H Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Office of Hawaiian Affairs
brought to you by the €aiuicil Jār 'Milwe Hfawaiian e/Uiaaneenienl
A Tv^lVklVI/l for organizations seeking funds frow I I vv 1 1 ^ll lll PHHL's NAHASPA Community Crant Program
brought to you by CNHA with support from PHHl
the deal. . . JVThe Pepartment of Hawaiiaw Home Lawds (PHHL) makes grants to HOHpro(it orgaHizatioHS, homestead associatioHS and businesses who want to make a difference in Hawaiian Homestead commuHities. Eligible projects serve families whose ineome is less than 80£ of median area ineome and ean be: • Housing related services of af fordable housing • Crime preventioH and safety • Powh payment assistance or closing cost assistance • Activities that support affordable housing purchase 8- reHovatioHS • īeehnieal assistance to self-help housing, kupuna rentals • Loan fund activities and more! Applicafion Peadline is August 31, 2004 how mueh. . . With ho maximum limit, PHHL's NAHASPA CommuHity Crant Program ean provide at least 0,000 in grant funding for your project! what else. . . Thanks to the PHHL, the Council for Native Hawaiian AdvancemeHt (CNHA) provides FREE, that's right FREE, training and technical support OHhowtoapplyforthisawesomefuHdiHgsource! What'smore! We eome to you! Trainings are being held throughout the state. He sure to register to attend a training near you. For more details or to register, visit our website or eall our offices. We look forward to serving you! #Contact CNHA toll-free: 800.709.2642