Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2004 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



— \ — ■ ■ \v_y 1 r E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: If you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola o OHA will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Send your information to OHA, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāloa!

Hukiku/Keulua — The 'ohana of Moke Hukiku & Kapali Keulua have several reunion activities on O'ahu planned for July 16-24, 2004. The 'ohana includes the descendants of James Moses, Mary Kiko, Annie Flores, Jack Moses, Joseph Kaahanui Moses, Frank Moke, Louise Larinaga, Kalei Tisalona, & Malia Santiago, as well as those of Lokalia Anakolio Holt, James Lawrence Holt, Kaluna Keawekane, Malia Kaneaiakala, Keola's/Ahsing's, & Kaahanui's. Contact Leona Santiago-Stephens (330-2251, O'ahu) for registration information or Erik Kalani Flores (e-mail: ekf@surfbest.net /ph: 808 885-5383 Hawai'i) for genealogical information. Kea — The descendants of John K. Kea also known as John K. Makahi and Nancy P. Cullen are holding their 6"1 family reunion on O'ahu on July 17, 2004, Saturday, at Nānākuli Beach Park. Dad and Mom had eleven sons and two daughters. Sons are: John Jr., Jerry (Sam), Luke, Walter, Alex, Logan, Charles, Charles K., Harry, Leslie, and Raymond. Daughters are: Emily Pall and Katherine Kea. We would like to update the family tree and mailing list and if you have any knowledge and information regarding our 'Ohana. Please eall Leilani at 294-2707 (O'ahu) or write to Leilani Makahi at 89-1025 Haleakalā Ave., Wai'anae, Hl 96792. Bush — A family reunion for the descendants of Samuel Keli'inohopono Bush and Ada 'Ekekela Keawe Williams Bush is scheduled for Aug. 6-8, 2004; Fri-Sun, location will be on the lsland of O'ahu, Hawai'i. For more information please write to: Ms. Randy Bush Vincent, 615 Na'ale St., Honolulu, Hl 96813 or Email Misty Bush Williams at: mwill23714@aol.com. Tripp — James Jonathan Benjamin Tripp, Rebecca Pōpoko Pū'ohu'ole (Kekaulike) Tripp, and Nāmāhana Keli'i'ohu'ole Paiaulani Kūwehie Tripp family reunion. August 6, 7 2004 Hilo, Hawai'i. $ 20.00 per person. Contact Nalani Longakit (808) 9593443, longakit@verizon.net Mahelona - The descendants of Joseph Mahelona and Elizabeth Emma Pakuai (later Ho'opi'i) are invited to a family reunion Sat., Aug. 14, 2004 at Mā'ili Beach Park on the Leeward Coast of O'ahu. Plans and committees are being finalized at the Apnl 2004 meeting.Contact Miehael Kapua, 91-2001 Pahuhu Plaee, 'Ewa Beach, Hawai'i 96706, 683-4666. Victor — The Victor 'Ohana Reunion will be held August 20-22, 2004 in Hilo, on the island of Hawai'i. All descendants of Wikoli Kamukai (Kamukai Victor) and Amelia Akoi are welcome..."e komo mai." August 20, 2004 (Wailoa State Park- 5-1 1 p.m.), Aug. 21 (Tour 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 'Ohana gathering, 5-11 p.m. Hilo YMCA,) August 22 (Wailoa State Park - 8 a.m.-4 p.m.). Update genealogy files, meet 'ohana from out-of-town, share stories, share photos, scrapbooks, compare notes. General chairman: Walter Victor (P.O. Box 397, Laupahoehoe, Hl 96764. 'Ohana caps and T-shirts - Lineoln and Linda Victor on Oahu, 87-232 Mikana Street, Wai'anae, Hl 96792 (808) 668-7127). Email: ulukou@hawaii.rr.com. Joe and Niekie Hines Phone: 259-8406.

Address: 41-326 Manawaiola Street, Waimānalo, Hl 96795. Victor 'Ohana Website: www.victor-ohana.org. Anyone needing accommodations ean eall the Hilo Seaside Hotel, phone Toll Free 1 -(800) 560-5557. Be sure to ask for the Victor 'Ohana Reunion Rate! They have a package deal, room and car. A reunion registration fee of $10.00 per adult (13 years and older) are due ASAP. Kauaua — In preparation for the 2004 reunion of 'Ohana Kauaua on O'ahu, Aug. 20, 21 , 22, the O'ahu planners invite prospective participants from this (home) island to attend their O'ahu monthly meeting at Blaisdell Park, 'Aiea, on Saturday, July 17, at 10:30 a.m. There will be a business meeting, followed by potluck luneh. By attending this meeting, members interested in genealogy will have a special opportunity to discuss that topic before the August reunion. Do you have questions about this meeting? Telephone one of the following: Clifford "Butch" Kaholokula at 808-456-2882; Lani Guillermo at 808-488-2449; Elsie Kihano at 808-688-1835. Events at the August reunion will include entertainment coordinated by Keith and Carmen Haugen on Saturday evening; a waterslide for children; bingo; story-telling by Jeff Gere; a eountry store; and many others. Kauaua family lines consist of Papai, Kamaka, Pu'upu'u, Apuakahe'i, Moeloa. Participants are welcomed to attend from the Big lsland of Hawai'i, Maui, Kaua'i, Moloka'i. Registration deadline is July 10, 2004. Kuloloia — A Kulololia reunion is planned for Aug. 27, 28 & 29, 2004 at Hale Nanea, Kahului, Maui. We are looking for families and descendants of the following: Joseph Kuloloia / Kaahanui Puhau; Lilia Kuloloia / David Chong; Joseph Kaina Kuloloia / Maryann Keakaokalani Nuhi; Josephine Keaho Kuloloia/ Baker/ Ross; William Aipalena / Cecelia Aweloa; Kuamoo Kuloloia; David Kuloloia. If you have any information, genealogy, etc. We would appreciate you contacting anyone of the following: Leone Purugganan (808) 244-3820; Drucilla Kaina (808) 660-8191; Carla Peters (808) 249-0765. Kahaunaele — The Kahaunaele 'ohana is planning a family reunion scheduled for August 28"1 (Saturday) 2004, at Ma'ili Beach Park, Wai'anae - O'ahu. We are seeking the descendants of the marriage of John Kahaunaele Sr. (b: 1858) to Maka Moka by way of their four children: 1st) John Jr. (m: Annie Haaheo) had 6 children - John III, Abel, Mabel, Rose, Helen & James; 2nct) James (m: Annie Kaai) had 3 children - Charles, Joseph & Alfred; 3rct) Emily (m: Papapa Holualoa) had 3 children - Elizabeth, Victoria & Rachel; 4(tl) Luika (m: Thomrad Von Madyski) had 3 children - Annie, Aliee & Rudolf (2nct m: Hee Wong) had 3 children - Agnes, Louisa & Patrick. We would also like to invite the descendants of Samuel Kahaunaele (b: 1852) married to Elena Kanohoho'okahi-Kama by way of their two ehildren: 1st) Mary (m: Harry Armitage) had 2 children - Hariy & Abraham (2nct m: James Ho'omana) had 1 child - Mary (31" m: Sylvano Nobriga) had 10 children - Agnes, Helen, Becky, George, Sylvano, Harvey, Maria, Samuel, Margaret & Abigail; 2nct) Agnes. We believe that John Sr. and Samuel are either brothers or cousins as they are originally from Pelekunu,

Moloka'i. Please contact the following family representatives: John Jr's 'ohana - Joann Wong, 676-4403; James' 'ohana - David Kahaunaele, 808 822-5335; Emily's 'ohana - Roberta Westbrooks, 668-2906 or Kimo Kelii, 696-0321; Luika's 'ohana - Penny Kam, 396-6618; Mary's 'ohana - Aileen Kaaiai, 944-8069. John Kalimanui Mahu — Descendants of John Kalimanui Mahu (aka LIMANUI) and Poluea Kaaualii are planning a family reunion, 9/3/04 to 9/5/04, at Puuiki Pavilion, Waialua, Oahu. Their offspring include: Rachel Weed; Esther Hale Kauwalu Pohaku, Sarah Kaleiheana, and David Mahu. Contact Hyenie Weed-Sato at 259-5040 or ūanielle Gora at 637-5394 for more info. Keo/Pia — Descendants of Kahinawe Keo and John Pia are planning a family gathering, Sept. 3 - 6, 2004 at Hanamaulu Beach Park on Kauai. All interested parties should contact: Rosie Leimomi Manner. P.O. Box 11181, Hilo, Hawai'i 96721 or email kahinawe_JohnPiaOhana@yahoo.com or Joan Hall 20598 Woodmere Court, Sterling, Virginia 20165, or email jjhall48@yahoo.com for more information. Hekekia/Kahana — A 2004 reunion is being planned for the family of Solomon "Li'ili'i" Huaka Kahana Hekekia, Sr., of 1865 to 1944, formerly of Honuapo, Ka'u, Hawai'i. The children are Josephine, Hilda, Charles, and Lydia. The event will be held on Sept. 4, 2004 (Labor Day Weekend), at Aunty Sally's Lu'au Hale, formerly the Seven Seas Lu'au House, Hilo, Hawai'i. The event will be from 6-10 p.m. If you would like to be included in the family tree, please bring an updated family genealogy to the event, including family members that passed on. Also, we are taking count of how many people will be attending the reunion. Please eall and let us know ASAP, if you are planning to attend the reunion. We would gladly appreciate the notification. A second notice will be send out at a later date with a reminder for donations, supplies items, T-shirts, visor hat fees and etc. You may eall the following people and let them know of your attendance. Ada Kalani, Chairman 808-964-1655, William Kuamo'o 808-935-4375, Wes or Clarissa Kahakua 808-935-4147. Lindsey/Fay — Reunion for the Descendants of Thomas John Weston Lindsey and Mary Ka'ala Fay. Nā Mamo Aloha a Thomas John Weston Lindsey is announcing the dates for the next reunion to be held at the Hawaiian Homes Hall in Waimea, Kamuela, Hawai'i on Sept. 24, 25 and 26, 2004. It is requested that all the nā 'Ohana submit changes and additions to their family history records to the chairman, Allen Henry U'iha Ai at 52 Alokele Plaee, Pukalani, Maui, Hl 96768-8202. (Phone: 808-572-0453) no later than April 30, 2004. Please also include any deaths in your 'ohana since Aug. 1999. The first organizational meeting will be held in Waimea on Oct. 1 1Th. The descendants include those of John "Poko" Kawananakoa Lindsey, Thomas Kamaki Lindsey, James Ka'aluea Lindsey, William Miller Pilialoha Lindsey, George Miller Seymour Lindsey, Albert U'iha Lindsey and Emma Kawanalaulani Lindsey Mossman/Lemon. ■