Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 6, 1 June 2004 — 2004 Ka Wai Ola O OHA READERSHIP SURVEY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Our readers are our customers. We want to know how you view Ka Wai Ola o OHA. The following survey is intended to give you a voice in shaping • the direction of Ka Wai Ola for the next year. Your • responses are anonymous but will be used to help our • staff focus on what OH A' s beneficiaries want to read and • see in your Ka Wai Ola. This is an opportunity to respond • in a survey that may not be available again for another • year. Now is the time to have your voice heard. • Within the next three months, we will report on your • responses, including a sampling of your comments. • Please answer the following questions by circling only • one number next to your ehoiee. Your answers will • remain anonymous. • • : 1. Where do you live? : 1. Hawai'i island ; 2. Kaua'i ; 3. Lāna'i • 4. Maui • 5. Moloka'i • 6. O'ahu ! 7. On the continent : (please indicate state) • • 2. What is your gender? • 1. Female : 2. Male • : 3. What is your age? ; 1. Under 18 • 2. 19-28 • 3. 29-36 j 4. 37-47 j 5. 48-60 : 6. Kupuna (61 and over) • : 4. What is your edueation level? : 1. Not a high school graduate ; 2. High school graduate or equivalent ; 3. High school graduate with some college • 4. College graduate (BA/BS degree) • 5. Master's degree or higher • • : 5. What is your Hawaiian blood quantum? ; 1. 50 percent or more ; 2. Less than 50 percent ; 3. None : 6. What is your annual household ineome? : 1. Less than $25,000 • 2. $25,001 - $50,000 : 3. $50,001 - $75,000 : 4. $75,001 - $100,000 • 5. More than $100,000 • • : 7. How would you deseribe your eommand of the : Hawaiian language? ; 1. Native speaker (Hawaiian first language) • 2. Fluent ; 3. Moderate • 4. Limited : 5. None • • : 8. How miK'h of Ka Wai Ola do you usually read? : 1. 75% - 100% : 2. 50% -75% : 3. 25% -50% • 4. Less than 25% • • : 9. How m any people other than yourself usually read ; your eopy of Ka Wai Ola'! • 1. None • 2. One • 3. Two • 4. Thi'ee | 5. Four : 6. More than four • • • 10. Where do you usually get your eopy of Ka Wai Ola'! ; 1. In the mail • 2. From a puhlie building or other distribution point : 3. Online at www.oha.org : 4. Other •
11. Whieh of the following would you deseribe as your main souree of OHA-related news? 1 . Ka Wai Ola 2. Daily newspapers 3. Loeal magazines 4. Television 5. Internet 6. Other 12. Whieh of the following would you deseribe as your main source of Hawaiian news in general? 1 . Ka Wai Ola 2. Daily newspapers 3. Loeal magazines 4. Television 5. Internet 6. Other 13. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola does a good job of covering important Hawaiian issues. 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. No opinion 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 14. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola 's appearance is appealing 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. No opinion 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 15. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola 's Iayout is easy to navigate. 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. No opinion 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 16. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola'i calendar ofevents is useful to me. 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. No opinion 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 17. In general, do you Ihink Ka Wai Ola articles are: 1. Too long 2. About the right length 3. Too short 4. No opinion 18. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee coIumns ojfer adequate coverage of the trustees ' activities and views. 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. No opinion 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
• 19. Do you agree with this statement? : I want to personaIIy heeome more invo!ved with : • poluieal and community issues that ajfect Hawaiians. ; 1. Strongly agree ; 2. Agree | 3. No opinion | 4. Disagree : 5. Strongly disagree : • • 20. In the chart below, indicate how mueh coverage j you Ihink future issues of Ka Wai Ola should j devote to the following subjects: j
22. COMMENTS. What do you like most about Ka j Wai Olal What do you dislike? Please share your : opinions and/or any ideas that would help us : improve Ka Wai Ola. Use additional paper if needed. : • »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#
Mail this form anel any additional responses to: Ka Wai Ola Survey OHA Public lnformation Office 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu, Hl 96813 Your responses must be received by July 15. Photocopies of this survey will not be accepted. Results will be published in the September KWO
0 = 1 1 *&>.%. V>\. 0,\. • \®6> \<Sfj \%>\ $ \ : Sovereignty/ : Hawaiian governance : • Politics j • • Education j • Health j Native rights : & legal issues : • Business j • • • OHA news j • • Non-OHA news j • • OHA trustee activities j • • OHA editorials : • • Community editorials j • • Neighbor islands : • • • Culture, music & art : • Calendar of events : • • • Profiles & personalities j Hawaiian language j features : • • Q&A interviews : •