Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 6, 1 June 2004 — 2004 IUNE JUNE CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Tuesdays - Saturdays through June 26 — Musical lnfluence on Hawaiians Lasting Impressions: Printing and Engraving in Hawai'i explains the dramatic story of the introduction of printing and engraving to the Hawaiian Islands in the early 19th century, its impact on historical events and its lasting influence on Hawaiian culture and art today. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mission Houses Museum. $6. For information and reservations, eall 531-0481. Thur., June 3 - Sun., June 1 3 — Gone Feeshing Lee Tonouchi, author of the short story collection " 'Da Word," and creator of the "Mastah-Of-Comic-Disastah" style of literary comedy,
will display his work on stage. Come and see Tonouchi's "Gone Feeshing," a comedy featuring two brothers who, after years apart, finally get together to go fishing. $16. Kumu Kahua Theatre. Thurs., Fri., and Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m. For tickets, eall 5364441. Fri., June 1 1 — King Kamehameha Statue Decoration Ceremony Help decorate the King Kamehameha I statue with 13-foot floral leis, created throughout the day by volunteers. Music and hula performances. Concert 3:30 p.m., Ceremony 4 p.m. Ali'iōlani Hale: Honolulu Civic Center. For information, eall 586-0333.
Sat., June 1 2 — King Kamehameha Celebration Come and watch as colorful floats, Pā'ū riders, and marching bands fill the streets of Honolulu, beginning at King and Richards Streets and ending at Queen Kapi'olani Park, in celebration of King Kamehameha I. Volunteers will assist with parade organization and monitoring. 9:30 a.m. For information & applications, eall 586-0333. Fri., Sat., June 18, 19 — Kapa'a Ho'olaule'a E Ho'omau I Ka 'Ōlelo