Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 6, 1 Iune 2004 — Minutes of the Native Hawaiian Coalition [ARTICLE]
Minutes of the Native Hawaiian Coalition
In February of this year, OHA convened a group of people to help determine what the steps should be for the process of forming a Native Hawaiian nation. At its first meeting on Feb. 28, those in attendance decided "to support the organization of a coalition of Native Hawaiians to build a Hawaiian nation." Thus the group is now loosely referred to as the "Native Hawaiian Coalition."
The Coalition held two more meetings, one in April and one in May. At eaeh meeting, additional Hawaiians have stepped forward to participate in the process. All Hawaiians are welcomed and invited. Printed here are the minutes of those three meetings. The next Coalition meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 23-24. If you are interested in receiving meeting notices, please eall OHA's Governance section at 594-0219.
I. OLI AND PROCESSION Manu Boyd opened meeting with oli. Participants entered conference room. II. WELCOME Kahu Kaleo Patterson convenor pro tem welcomed the group. III. OHA REMARKS Clyde Nāmu'o, OHA Administrator, thanked the Working Group for their work and Kahu Patterson for his help in making this meeting possible. Mr. Nāmu'o assured the group that OHA would not control the group and that OHA would provide logistical support to the group and financial support for a process to realize Native Hawaiian self-determination. Mr. Nāmu'o offered to leave the meeting in order to facilitate an open environment for the group. Mr. Nāmu'o was asked to stay because there would be many questions that he would need to answer on behalf of OHA. IV. INTRODUCTIONS At 10:15 a.m., eaeh person present introduced themselves. V. KŪKĀKŪKĀ At 10:30 a.m., the group began discussions about forming a broad based, inclusive coalition to formulate an open and accountable process for Native Hawaiian self-determination. See transcripts from February 28, 2004 Coalition Meeting. VI. LUNCH VII. KŪKĀKŪKĀ CONTINUED a. Reconvened at 12:55 p.m. Kahu Patterson opened by reviewing what was discussed in the moming session and asked for discussion about convening a broad based coalition and guiding principles. See transcripts from February 28, 2004 Coalition Meeting. b. The group agreed to the following: i. "We agree to support the organization of a coalition of Native Hawaiians to huikl a Hawaiian Nation." ii. Coalesce = Values = Coalition iii. "We" = us in the room at 2:00 p.m. VIII. NEXT MEETING Possibly March 27, 2004. IX. ADJOURNMENT Everyone formed a circle and shared closing remarks. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order by Kahu Kaleo Patterson at 9:16 a.m. b. Pule by Auntie Hannah Reeves. II REVIEW OF AGENDA a. Kahu Patterson explained agenda, focus on 3 questions so ean move forward with eommon vision and purpose, will break up into 6 smaller groups. Groups should share ideas on code of cooperation (copy attached). Island caucuses during luneh break. Participants reviewed sheet on Hawaiian values prepared by Mālia Nobrega. b.Three questions; P2hours for breakout. QUESTIONS: 1. What is the vision and purpose of the coalition? 2. What is our membership and how do we maximize Hawaiian community involvement? 3. How do we work together for the good of our people? (membership code of conduct, protocols, responsibilities) III. BREAKOUT SESSIONS At 9:49 a.m., broke up into 6 smaller groups. See attached charts of eaeh group's discussion. IV. BREAKOUT GROUPS REPORT BACK At 11:32 a.m. reconvened as larger group. See attached charts of eaeh group's summary. V. LUNCH & MOKUPUNI CAUCUSES At 12:25 p.m., group broke for luneh and islands encouraged to caucus during the break. VI. REPORT BACK ON ISLAND CAUCUSES Reconvened at 1:34 p.m. Kahu Patterson leaving at 1:45 p.m. Ramsay Taum to facilitate until closing. See attached report on island caucuses. VII. NEXT MEETING Possibly May 8, to be confirmed. VIII. ADJOURNMENT at 2:10 p.m.
Mav 14. 2004 I. WELCOME AND PULE: Kahu Kaleo Patterson (5:04 pm) A. Review of past meetings B. Approve Agenda for May 14 & 15 C. Introduction of Coalition particiants by mokupuni - Moku O Keawe, Maui, O'ahu, Kaua'i, and continent. (Representative from Lāna'i arrived on May 15.) II. PULE AND RECESS FOR DINNER (6: 15 pm) III. VIDEO PRESENTATION (7:30 pm) "Force More Powerful" IV. VISION STATEMENT DISCUSSION: Joe Lapilio, Facilitator Issues were use of English language, Hawaiian, or both; use of words "reinstate," "build" or "rebuild," "develop" or "redevelop"; use of "Hawaiian," "Kanaka Maoli," "Nā 'Oiwi," "Koko Hawai'i"; inclusiveness (all Hawaiians worldwide or just Hawai'i, non-Hawaiians); "Self Determination" or "Self Governance." V. RECESS FOR THE DAY (9:00 pm) Mav 15. 2004 I. REGISTRATION AND BREAKFAST (8:00 am) II. GATHERING SONGS (8:52 am) Moku Honu entrance; songs while waiting; Moku O Keawe entrance; Moku O Keawe contingent raised eoneem about meeting in breakout groups. Coalition agreed to discuss all issues as one large group, for this meeting only. Oli by Renee Bishaw. III. VISION STATEMENT/ MISSION STATEMENT: Joe Lapilio, Facilitator A. Code of Cooperation approved bv Coalition B. Todav's Agenda Coalition consensus: Defer discussion of Akaka Bill and Process Models for future meetings. Today's agenda: Formation statements: Vision/ mission, membership; Recitation of Queen's protest, Kau Inoa, moku caucuses to discuss travel allocations, Declaration of Commitment. C. Recitation of Oueen's Protest: Hank Fergerstrom. IV. LUNCH BREAK ( 1 1 :48 am) V. COALITION FORMATION STATEMENTS A. Discussion continued from the night before about word ehoiee and use of English, Hawaiian, or both. B. Coalition Consensus was reached on the following: i. Mission Statement: The mission of the Coalition is to establish a process that will provide the Hawaiian people with a mechanism for achieving self-governance through self-determination. ii. Membership: The membership of the Coalition shall consist of every Hawaiian ( koko ) - individual, family, community group, eouneil, association or organization who chooses to participate. Every member shall agree to the: a. Mission Statement b. Membership and Community Involvement Statement e. Code of Cooperation, Cultural Protocols and Kuleana Statement iii. Communitv Involvement: Community Involvement shall be 100% accessible to Hawaiians. a. The Coalition shall create an infrastructure to facilitate education, consensus building, communications and organizing. iv. Code of Cooperation. Cultural Protocols. and Kuleana: The Coalition shall operate in Cooperation, incorporate relevant and appropriate cultural protocols and practices, and affirm its kuleana to be accountable to the Hawaiian community first and foremost. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS/ REQUESTS: • People need to be committed to Coalition. Arrive on time and stay until finished. • Request for Coalition meeting to be held on Kaho'olawe. • Request for Coalition phone number and website. • Call for meetings on neighbor islands. • Request for written Mokupuni updates to be distributed at next meeting. • Mokupuni need to meet to figure out travel allocations as resources are limited. • Information on 'Ae Like process for next meeting. • Media plan; no censorship. VII. NEXT MEETING: A. .Īulv 23 & 24. 2004. on O'ahu, specific location to be confirmed. B. Preliminarv Agenda based on group discussion: i. Declaration of Commitment to Coalition ii. Discussion of Kau Inoa iii.Discussion of Processes iv. Allocation of Travel Resources among Mokupuni v. Presentation of 'Ae Like process VIII. CLOSING: Pule and mele (4:26 pm)