Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 5, 1 May 2004 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
E Komo Mai! 'Tūtū & Me" We are now accepting applications! 5ign up now for our free Traveling Preschool! Available for Grandparents, Parents, Aunties & Uncles & their keiki ages birth-5 yrs. Tūtū and Me is a U.S. Department of Education funded project for Native Hawaiian Family Based Education (84.209A).
Tūtū and Me are at the following locations: ōueen Lili'uokalani Church, Haleiwa Makakilo Elementary School Cafeteria Pāuoa Elementary School Cafeteria Pu'ohala Elementary School Cafeteria * Wai'anae Protestant Church Papakōlea Community Center Kohala lntergenerational Center, Kapa'au Imiola Congregational Church, Waimea
?\ease ea II 524- 7633 (0Nahu) 864-5530 (HawaPi) for more information