Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2004 — Norton no friend [ARTICLE]
Norton no friend
I am thrilled that the Amkaki suit was thrown out and to hear that Kau Inoa registration has begun. I wish I had Kanaka Maoli blood and could register. I lived on O'ahu for 20 years and graduated from UH Mānoa in '78 with an MA in Dance Ethnology. My special field was and still is hula. My heart has always been with and for the Native Hawaiian people, culture and the 'āina. My greatest joy would be if I needed a visa to make a return visit to the land. One small issue: do not side with Gale Norton for any reason. She is not for any land except for the interests of the oil companies and logging companies. She doesn't care one iota for native peoples and has shown this to be true in all her actions. She is NOT a friend to flora, fauna nor native peoples anywhere. She stands for Bush and all his big business, destroy-the-envi-ronment, greedy cronies. I am proud to know about the true Hawai'i and to love it as you do and really do hope self-determination becomes a reality in my lifetime. Miriam Pumehana Paisner Boulder, Colorado OHA reserves the right īo ed.it all letters for length, defcimatory anel libelous material, anel other objectioncible content, anel reserves the right not to print any submission. All letters must be typed, signed anel not exceed. 200 words. Letters eannoī be published unless they are signed anel include a īelephone contact for verification. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813, or email kwo@oha.org. ■