Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2004 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
■ ' Jl ** ■! *— )fj _ _^M _^fll j - ^ i> i WJt v ' ■ « J^HI w ■HMKln ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ .___ i y®^i v*™^^s 'w^Kh^ * ■* r' * -^Q(®®5^35fl K ■ s^ ° « * jon a uir ji> - "^r5 h — _ |^L ^^01
E KOMO MAI! Adult Egg Hunt! Come in the week of April 1-5 epanel find the golden egg-win a daily Q\ prize! We will a'so /" "tf=^- / feature great { A 07j>v Easter bas- ,, L<x^ ^ /? -<7^ / kets, lauhala \\ ī/ C//H J/ 0/\ '/ hats, and v\, // 0 /r A/ f resh flowers__\\^-fP/ Ū \jr rJj\l V Ward & Fort Street Stores only. Call for more information. OnDaGo with Aunty Mo! Saturday, April 3 & May 8 • 10a-12p at the Ward Store-join Smartitas Ink! co-founder, Moana Meyer in this a ^ R^Sr^H classes ^^HQHflH^H on W decoration and easy-kine repairs. Bring your small projects and questions to the class-Aunty Mo will provide you with fun faux finishes and helpful info. FREE. Call 596.8885. Merrie Monarch 2004! Gear up for a great hula season!. Stop in at our Ward or Fort Street stores for great loeal designer clothing-perfect for attending any hula competition, plus Ni'ihau shell jewelry, and the /\ * most extensive collection of hularelated y | \ \C - books, music V ]^/V\l ^4/, \^/rC> \jf and videos! f\y1
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