Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 3, 1 March 2004 — Modern-day Cooks [ARTICLE]

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Modern-day Cooks

The current dilemma facing the modern day Hawaiians and the injustices they have suffered since the arrival of Captain Cook are one and the same. It is a historical fact and eommon knowledge that Captain Cook knew that the isolated Pacific Islanders had no immunological defenses against the diseases that he and his crews were carrying. The end result was the deaths of hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of Polynesians. ("Make the world England," said the crown.) Genocide is genocide. This act was a crime against humanity, whieh could only be likened to Hitler's final solution. The English government has never aeknowledged this. Perhaps now is the time to present the facts to the English. There is no statute of limitations for genocide that I know of. What the Hawaiians are facing

today is a coalition of racist groups who share a eommon agenda. Part of this agenda I believe, is to deny the Hawaiian People what is rightfully theirs. This subtle form of eultural and ethic cleansing is a slap in the face to any God-fearing people. The primary goal of these racist groups is to disband the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Hawaiian Home Lands programs. In addition, the admission of non-Hawaiians into Kamehameha Schools, whieh if unchallenged could eventually lead to the dissolution of the school's programs altogether. Their ultimate goal is to own Hawai'i and fleece billions of dollars generated through tourism, Hawaiian exports, and the prostitution of Hawaiian culture. To all you non-Hawaiians who eall these islands "home," you have an obligation to stand with the Hawaiians and fight the good fight. There is no gray area between right and wrong. Hawaiians: stand together or subdivide and fall. You are surrounded by modern day Captain Cooks ... with colds. Benjamin Ray Milam Kapolei

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