Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2004 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Get Dn Bnard

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lf you are Hawaiian, now is the time to step forward and kau inoa — plaee your name — to take part in the process of self-determination. Today, the establishment of a new Native Hawaiian government is on the horizon and ean be achieved with the will and support of the Hawaiian people. Those who register will eventually be able to help shape the nation to eome. The process is open to anyone of indigenous Hawaiian descent, no matter where you live worldwide or what your beliefs are. This community-driven effort is being moved forward by a broad-based coalition of Hawaiian organizations with a wide variety of perspectives on Hawaiian nationhood. As such, the Kau Inoa registration is separate and unrelated to the provisions of the federal-recognition "Akaka Bill" now before Congress.

All you need to register is verification of your Hawaiian ancestry through documents such as a certified copy of a birth certificate showing Hawaiian parentage, or by prior verification through programs such as the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands or OHA's Operation 'Ohana and Hawaiian Registry. "Kumu 'Ohana" or other means of legal verification will also be considered. There is no blood-quantum minimum or age requirement. Don't let the wave of history pass you by. Make your voice heard. Kau Inoa to build a strong Hawaiian nation. Kau Inoa registration forms are available from most Hawaiian organizations, or by contacting the official repository of the registration records — Hawai'i Maoli ine., a nonprofit arm of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs.


Hawai'i Maoli P.O. Box 1135 Honolulu, Hl 96807 (808) 394-0050