Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 3, 1 March 2004 — Sign up for the Hawaiian Registry and the Kau Inoa enrollment on Kūhiō Day [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Sign up for the Hawaiian Registry and the Kau Inoa enrollment on Kūhiō Day

Aloha! Well, hope everyone got your ineome tax forms to submit. Hope all your New Year's Resolutions are working out. Hope you are all focused on "Yours, Mine and Ours" Hawaiian Governing Entity. Notice, I didn't say OHA's Governing Entity or an Independent Governing Entity! We are talking about "something that the Hawaiian people are going to create." By now you have been informed about the "round table" discussions with all groups participating, whieh are being shown on the 'Ōlelo

stations and puhlie access channels throughout the State of Hawai'i. Hopefully, you have participated or saw the turnout from the 'Ohana Day celebration when the Hawaiians walked through Waikīkī "in a sea of red T-shirts." Hopefully, you have attended at least one eommunity outreach meeting that discusses the different types of government the people want, all types of constitutions and racial issues with court claims. Well, OHA will be coming to the Big Island in March. March is

Prince Kūhiō's birthday. Prince Kūhiō was instrumental in acquiring the Hawaiian Homestead Program. You are all invited to the Prince Kūhiō Celebration in Maku'u on March 27, all day. If you have some plaee you want in Kona to have this discussion, let us know. Come take your pictures and sign up for the Hawaiian Registry. At the same time, eome sign up for the Kau Inoa enrollment Okay, the first question that usually comes up is: What is the differenee between the Hawaiian Registry

and the Kau Inoa enrollment? That's why OHA will make themselves available to discuss these issues. Important: the Hawaiian Registry is to identify who is Hawaiian, with Hawaiian blood ties. No politics, no blood quantum here. You will need your birth certificate. (The Operation 'Ohana Program - green card - some had birth certificate verification, some nevah). The enrollment, though, is part of the process toward participating in the new Hawaiian Government Entity. ■

Linda Dela Cruz Trustee, Hawai'i