Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 3, 1 March 2004 — A productive start of the year for OHA Board [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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A productive start of the year for OHA Board

Aloha nui kākou e nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino. The Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has completed its January and February board meetings for 2004. Highlights of board actions for these two months include: election of Trustee John Waihe'e IV to the position of Board Vice Chair; reaffirmation of support for carry-over bills from the first session of the 22nd legislature; support for new legislation relating to non-alienation of ceded lands, relating to real property taxes on kuleana land, relating to leasehold conversion, relating to historic preservation, relating to Native Hawaiian rights, relating to Native Hawaiians; ratification of the appointment of Trustee Dante Carpenter as OHA's representative to the Native Hawaiian Governance Advisory Council and appointment of Trustee Rowena Akana as alternate; briefing by Dr. Pilcher and Mr. Kumor of NASA on the puhlie scoping meetings relating to the

phases of completion of the environmental impact statement process under way for the proposed outrigger telescopes on Mauna Kea; authorization for OHA administrator to extend Pacific Park Plaza lease term to not exceed 60 months; update by OHA legal counsel on the status of Arakaki v. Lingle litigation; authorization of $65,820.00 to purchase two dialysis machines and a water filtration system for the State of Hawai'i Department of Health for the purpose of providing on-site dialysis to Hansen's disease patients residing in Kalaupapa; Moloka'i, authorization of $38,189 to implement a pilot rehabilitation program for kūpuna to teach Hawaiian culture and values to youth at the Hawai'i Youth Correctional Facility; authorize $2,226 for purchase of additional hardware for computer programs at the Hawai'i Youth Correctional Facility; authorization of $20,00 to the American Civil Liberties Union for the Hawaiian Juvenile Justice

Project to address long-term, systemic changes in the juvenile justice system; authorization of $30,000 to fund a one-year pilot project providing puhlie transportation for up to 1,000 kūpuna living on modest means; update by OHA's Washington, D.C., counsel on the status of S.344 pending in the U.S. Senate; adoption of OHA board resolutions honoring the life and legacy of paniolo, voyaging eanoe navigator and master eanoe builder Clayton Norman Bertelmann and honoring the life and legacy of master wood carver and canoe-builder Wright 'Elemakule Bowman and extending condolences and deepest sympathy to their 'ohana; adoption of OHA board resolution congratulating the 2004 designees as Living Treasures of Hawai'i: Mitsuo Aoki, Pat Nāmaka Bacon, Edith Kawelohea McKinzie, Fujio Matsuda, Genoa Keawe and Tau Moe; approval of OHA positions on 2004 legislative bills approving support with amendments to SB

1556 relating to coastal zone management and support for HB 2958 relating to shoreline certification, approval of OHA board resolution expressing sympathy to former OHA Trustee Roy 'Ilikea Benham and his 'ohana on the passing of his wife Jacqueline Kaniaulono Booth Benham; approval of OHA Administrator's recommendations for OHA positions and position changes on measures in OHA matrix 03-04 22nd Legislature with inclusion of 19 new measures along with removal of HB 2738 from the OHA 03-04 Matrix; opposition to HB 2777 and SB 3150 relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; approval of Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment Committee recommendation BAE 02-04 on programmatic agreement — Army Transformation of the 2nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Light) to a Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) with amendments. A hui hou. Mai poina e "Kau Inoa." 40/48 ■


Haunani Apoliona, MSW

« Trustee, At-large