Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2004 — Genealogy workshop [ARTICLE]
Genealogy workshop
Due to the response to its previous genealogy research workshop, Friends of 'Iolani Palaee will eonduct another session on March 5 and 19 at the 'Iolani Palaee Grounds. "Digging for your roots, an introduction to genealogy research" will
provide the foundation for starting a family genealogy. Instructors Rhoda Kalua'i and Fran MacFarland will offer information on various genealogy resources and will take students to two important research sites to get familiarized with procedures and equipment. The two-day workshop will espouse the spirit of the personal philosophy of King Kalākaua, "Ho'oulu Lāhui" — to nurture and perpetuate the culture of Hawai'i. The classes will both be held on Fridays, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The $30 fee covers both sessions and the syllabus. Space is limited to 20. For more information or to register, eall 522-0827.