Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 2, 1 February 2004 — Rude remarks [ARTICLE]

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Rude remarks

From my humhle observations, as a "haole" kama'āina who has loved these islands, married a Hawaiian, taught Hawaiian children to heeome leaders today and learned mueh "Hawaiiana" since well before WWII, I truly resent defamatory inferences by some Letters to the Editor writers who lump all haoles into one unsavory group. For instance, Gaby Gouveia from Makawao claims "haole" means one with "no spirit, no soul." When I was young, and according to Mary Kawena Pūku'i's Hawaiian Dictionary, it meant "Caucasian or foreigner." Gouveia was rude in that letter. Where does a person whose name is Portuguese get off writing stuff like that? Another writer, Beverly Muraoka from Kapa'a, infers that "haole" influence is bad and that people with non-Hawaiian names such as "Stevens" should not be on the Hawaiian recognition bill. How does she eome to this conclusion? Seems to me that Japanese names such as Muraoka have had a great deal of influence in Hawai'i for many years! A third writer, Kamuela Lindsey (isn't Lindsey a haole name?) calls Gov. Lingle a "white supremacist," and says she lies — shibai, Lindsey calls it — and that she told Pres. Bush to tell the Hawaiians "to suck an egg." Again, how rude! What's wrong with these arrogant people? They are of many races, but do not exhibit true "Hawaiianness." Kapeka Woodward Wahiawā OHA reserves the right īo ed.it aU \etters for length, defcimatory or \ibe\ous materia\, anei other objectioncibJe eonīenī, anei reserves the right not to print any submission. AU Jetters must be typed, signed anei not exceed. 200 words. Letters eannoī be pubJished uniess they are signed anei include a īelephone contact for verification. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813, or email lcwo@oha.org. ■