Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2004 — Stryker boondoggle [ARTICLE]
Stryker boondoggle
As mere citizens, how do we respond to the autocratic methods employed by Sen. Inouye, Rep. Abercrombie, Sen. Akaka, Sec. Donald Rumsfeld, our own state government and Congress in approving the Army Transformation Stryker Brigades before the puhlie response period was even over in January? Is this the democracy that American soldiers are dying for in the Middle East? When is the Army going to spend money decontaminating the 138 toxic waste sites already in existence, according to the 1990 Federal Hazardous Waste Sites In the State of Hawai'i Hearing report? Sen. Inouye didn't think it was important enough to attend at the time, sending Sen. Akaka to preside over the hearing instead. What does the motto of the State of Hawai'i mean to Sen. Inouye and the Army — Ua mau ke ea o ka
'āina i ka pono, the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness? Why are Hawai'i's resources, people and quality of life so expendable? Before it's too late, we need answers now before the Strykers begin to deposit thousands more tons of toxic chemicals into our land and water along with all the other contaminants they will leave behind as silent killers in the 1,200 acres of new lands the Army intends to acquire. Does Sen. Inouye represent the Army or the people of Hawai'i? Marisa M. Plemer Sunset Beach