Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 2, 1 February 2004 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
. (c\ Join Us at CNHA's \g/ Educational Symposium on Constitutions February 12-13 , 2004 o Hihon Hawaiian V/lfage īapa Ballroom
Conducted in fMrtnership with thr Assodation of l Uwaiian Civic Cfub$, I Mua Groufj , Nathv Hawniian Bar As$ociation, Nāttve Hawaiian Ēeonomie AManee, Nctltve HawaiUn ifjgrji CorpfirMH.tn, State Cottndl of Hawaiian Hontēatead AssociMions, and UCLA's Nathv Nations Lāw Poiicy Ccntor lncreaso your knowledge and understanding of (his imporlant aspect of self-governance and selfde1erminalion. For our past, our ^ Mfej present, and our futurc. i The Counci! l'or Ndth'f Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) is j dynamic, service-oriented orgtftwcttif.nj prrjvīding tr#iningf technk jl V cj-tvlfo J55rstiTnce J nd ei-en(s )ocused on Njtive 'ŌIelo No'eau A'ohe o kāhi nānā o ]unbi o ka pali; iho lZ ^ 1^8 mai a lalo neī; Jike i ke au nui ke au Iki, he alo a he alo. — The top of the cliff isn't the plaee to look HU at us: eowe (iown hcrc tmd lenm of thc * MTTTriAii hip <tit\! littlc eurreittt facc tu face. Let's discuss it and leam the details.
Why do I need to onderstand COn$tftutions? Consitutīnn5 are goveming Hocunipntfi th.it t?si ahJish how powers and responsibiiilies are divided among diflerent governmrnt (igencies. They also sct our \vhnt rights thc ii>embers of the rution hoJd. As Native Havvaiians strive to protect and pcFpetuate our distinct way of lir"c, making t]et:isions ahoul how tti organize fxiwer is a tunfJanien1.il task that we rnust do together il" we are lo succeed in determining our own future. What wiit he presented at the Symposium? The LJCLA N.itive N.itions L.iw & Pūlicy Center will ln1 dīscus5ing J,The Making of a Constitution" and providing p(irticip(inīfi with n thoro\Jgh .inrl pr.ictic.il undcrstanding of coristitutional eJemenls. Otlier exjH^rts 011 N.itive rīgli1s jikJ constiīutional law will share thoir jnsig1n with participantsr Why shouid f attend? This symposium will incrotise your undcrsttinding of how gpverning documents are ilevelofjetl,, and liow (Ik1 various components of a constitution ean impaeī community develop merit | >rt)gr.i mm i ng. How do i regi$ter or find out moreī You ean leLim !nure or dowii!aad J registration i'orrn by visitīng our wehsite at www.hawaiiancouncil.org or eall CNHA al 1^800.709.2642, There is nominal registrntiori fiee to help cover cosls associated wiīh coordinating lhis important event.