Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 2, 1 February 2004 — Got Koko? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Got Koko?

By Miki'ala Ayau Got koko? Or you no more? Mine red, what kala yours? Mine Hawaiian, what about you? OHA, Homestead, Kamehameha Schools, Everyone like know — Whose mo'opuna you? Twice applied, twice denied. At least my mama nevah lied On my application No need investigation Silly haole instigation Attacking the process of elimination.

No such thing as integration In this unique situation Provoking identity decimation Through their warped interpretation Of Pauahi's proliferation Providing quality education To a solely Hawaiian generation It's my obligation To prevent the desecration Of her Will. So I'm up in your face To promote the information Through widespread dissemination Drop the fascination With courtroom animation Stick to the real deal Forget fancy phrasing or Briefs and appeals. Through struggle, hardship and strife The ehoiee to leave it all to your wife, Your husband, your child, whoever — If that is ever denied, Not left up to you to decide, The legacy you leave behind, Restricted by a ruling signed By a judge upholding the American way — How ean any of us die in peaee?