Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 2, 1 February 2004 — Why did you attend the Kau Inoa registration launch? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Why did you attend the Kau Inoa registration launch?

I eame to help make things right, so we ean know where we belong as Hawaiians. We need to regain our self-identity and self-determination, to restore dignity and respect to ourselves. That is from the heart." — Stanlyn Kanani Plaeeneia, Wai'anae

I believe that this is not OHA's process, this is a people's process. To me, this is the most neutral initiative out there. This would give people the opportunity to become a part of a delegation to hold a convention so we ean become self-determining and decide for ourselves what we will do. — George Ka'imiola, Maui

I support the Hawaiian movement for get us back our land, for an independent new government. Bring all the Hawaiians back together again. We deserve to be in one plaee, one home — not wait in line for get Hawaiian homestead. Just automatically in already. — Justin Pratt, Kalihi

I eame here because it is my responsibility as a Native Hawaiian, so I ean continue the torch for my ancestors, and I do this also for my mo'opuna. My hope is that one day we will have our sovereignty and our own government. It may not be in my lifetime, but hopefully it will be when my mo'opunas grow up. — 'llima De la Cruz, Punahou

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