Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 2, 1 February 2004 — Get involved [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Nā Koa Ikaika, a proponent of Hawaiian nationalism and true selfdetermination for ka po'e Hawai'i for over a decade, supports enrollment in the "Kau Inoa" registry whieh will be used to begin the process of creating the Hawaiian nation. We have been assured that the list will be available to those different entities who currently believe they are the one and true Hawaiian nation. This process should create excitement and a elimate of working together to achieve a goal that all ka po'e Hawai'i support: the Hawaiian Nation. More of the grassroots Hawaiians need to enroll and express actively their ideas in an open process whieh would include working groups on all islands. The current process laid out by OHA has already been ehallenged by changing the timeline and by demands for complete education. Before we move to even elect delegates, we must vote on what we actually want in a government. We need to know the advantages and disadvantages of Federal Recognition. What do we lose? What do we gain? What about a Compact of Free Association? What about the restoration of our internationally recognized Kingdom of Hawai'i? We need the truth, not necessarily the easiest path. What would be best for our children and future generations? Standing outside of the process and throwing rocks does not win anything. We need to face eaeh other in a forum where all ideas are respected, where we ean learn to compromise and work together, where we ean create a product that will truly reflect our Hawaiian traditions and heritage. Lela M. Hubbard Nā Koa Ikaika 'Aiea

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