Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2004 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


General eligibility requirements for applicants: ■ Hawai'i resident ■ Classified full-time enrollment in an eligible post-high institution ■ Satisfactory academic performance ■ Financial need Deadline for all new applicants is Apnl 15, 2004; renewal applicants (those who previously received funding between Fall 2000 and Spring 2004) is June 1 , 2004. For information, visit the Financial Aid and Scholarship Services' website at: www.ksbe.edu/finaid or eall (808) 534-8080. You may also eall toll-free at 1-800-842-4682, 9 then extension 48080. With help from Kamehameha Schoo!s Financial Aid and Scholarship Program, Miehelle Fong graduated in December from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa with a double major in accounting and finance. Also a 1993 graduate of Kahuku High School, she plans to sit for the CPA exam this April and eventually attend law school. © Kamehameha Schools KS' poiicy is to give preference to app!icants of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by iaw.

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'Auhea 'oe e ka 'imi na'auao no ka pono o nā keiki 'ōlelo Hawai'i?

Scholarship applications for the 2004-2005 aeaelemie year are now available for Native Hawaiian students pursuing higher education to support and/or become Hawaiian medium educators. For applications, eall us at (808) 961-0093 or e-mail us at lamaku_apl@leoki.uhh.hawaii.edu.