Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 1, 1 January 2004 — Lunalilo Home lūʻau [ARTICLE]

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Lunalilo Home lūʻau

In celebration of King William Charles Lunalilo's 169th birthday, the Lunalilo Home will hold a benefit lū'au on the grounds of the elderly care home on Jan. 31. Lunalilo, who was the grandnephew of Kamehameha I, heeame Hawai'i's first elected king on Jan. 9, 1873. He reigned as the sixth king of Hawai'i for little more than a year before dying of tuberculosis on Feb. 4, 1874. Before his death, Lunalilo directed the trustees of his estate to establish an elderly care home for Native Hawaiians.

Lunalilo Home was first opened in 1883 where Roosevelt High School sits today. In 1927, the elderly care home moved to its present location on the 'Ewa side of Koko Head. Following a five-year renovation, the home reopened in August 2001 and is eapahle of housing 42 people. The lū'au will highlight the most popular entertainers in Hawai'i and include a book signing by the authors of "He Mele Aloha, a Hawaiian Songbook ." University of Hawai'i Hawaiian language assistant professor Puakea Nogelmeier will be the master of ceremonies at the event. The lū'au will have will have two seatings, 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $30. The home is also asking for volunteers for setup and eleanup. For ticket information and volunteer contributions, eall 395-1000 or 536-6540. ■