Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2003 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kau Makali V: a New Beginning
New CD: Inspiration for Commitment to Revitalize Hawaiian Culture
I Mua E Nā Pōki'i (Go Forward Young Brothers) is a joint effort by the KS Kapālama Campus Hawaiian Cultural Center Project and the Performing Arts Department. It features original compositions from past Song Contest Hōhke productions that have been rearranged and adapted for today's generation. Traditional chant, song and slack-key mingle with progressive pop stylings and interpretations that bring a modern-day relevance to an eclectic repertoire of traditional Hawaiian themes. KS students, staff, alumni and friends combine talents to create this lei of mele for the global community. Extending KS' Reach Worldwide For more information on I Mua E Nā Pōkii and other HCCP activities, log on to the new
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kaiwakiloumoku.ksbe.edu Web site. The site debuts November 15. Ka'iwakīloumoku enables Hawaiians worldwide to broaden their knowledge and practice of Hawaiian culture. Named in honor of Hawai'i's great king, Kamehameha I, Kahwakīloumoku will offer a wide variety of enriching cultural experiences including video clips of cultural activities and documentaries, snapshots of historical photos, documents and items of cultural value, an online Hawaiian literary journal, mele forum, cultural events calendar, recipes, health tips and mueh more! HCCP coordinator Jamie Merseberg Fong '78 at jafong@ksbe.edu or (808) 842-8655. The I Maa E Nā Pōki'i CD may be purchased at Borders Books, Music and Cafe as well as other fine establishments statewide.