Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2003 — KĒKĒMAPA DECEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Sun., Nov. 30Fri., Jan. 23 — Wahi Pana, Sacred Places of Kaho'olaweO'ahu Art Exhibition

'Ewa artist Linda Kāne transforms the mana that resides in the land onto paper in the form of drawings. Hawai'i Pacific Gallery at Hawai'i Pacific University in Kāne'ohe. Gallery hours, Mon-Sat., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. For information, eall 236-3535.

Fri., Dec. 5 — Sovereienty Arts/Crafts Fair

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Hawaiian Sovereignty Education Sub Committee will be holding a "funraiser" featuring Hawaiian arts, crafts and photographs. The Friends Meeting House, 2426 O'ahu Ave. in

Mānoa from 5-9 p.m. Proceeds will support sovereignty education efforts. Music and refreshments will be provided. For information, eall Mōhala Aiu at 808-988-6266.

Fri., Dec. 5 — Ho'okena and Raiatea Helm in Concert (Maui)

Ho'okena and Raiatea Helm eome together again for a performance that is part traditional, part contemporary, part stunning vocals. Castle Theater of the Maui Arts & Cultural Center, 7:30 p.m. For information, eall the box office, 800-242-7469.

Fri., Dec. 5- Feb. 28 — Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau (O'ahu)

Waiting period for the premier big-wave event held when surf tops

Events of interest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the calendar on a space-available basis, anā do not constitute endorsement or validation of the events or the sponsors by the

Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Hawai'i's area code, 808, is only included in non-O'ahu phone numbers.

20 feet at Waimea Bay in memory of one of Hawai'i's legendary big wave riders and the first Waimea Bay lifeguard, Eddie Aikau. Call 638-7700 for info. Fri., Dec 5Sat., Dec 6 —

Ke Aloha Na Kupuna Cultural Program (Hawai'i)

King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel hosts Ke Aloha Nā Kūpuna, a free cultural program featuring Hawaiian traditions, history, crafts and talk story. Featuring Hawaiian Christmas wreathmaking with master lei artist Irmalee Pomroy. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the hotel lobby. For information, eall 808-329-2911.

Sat., Dec. 6-Sun., Feb. 29 — Lono-I-Ka-Makahiki In celebration of the Hawaiian god

of peaee, fertility, agriculture and healing, Bishop Museum presals wcjks cf eenlanp )iaiy I I:iw:iii:in ;utists :uxl cnlliu;J |ii:iclili( *> ci>, willi i:uc ilans lkm Ihe Museum's eolleetions. Ihe exhibit opens wilh a traditional procession and games. In addition, the Kūpuna Lecture Saies will featnre storyteller Unele Charlie Maxwell on Dec. 16. Veslibule Gaūery. Adniksion is $14.95 fcr adnlts; $11.95 for youth 4-12; special rates for kama'āina, seniors, military and children imelei' 4. For information, eall 847-351 1.

Sat., Dec. 6-Sat., Jan. 1 0 — Nā Wahi Kapu O Maui Book Launch/Exhibition

Photographer Kapulani Landgraf's newest work, Na Wahi Kapu o MauiThe Sacred Sites Of Maui, and the silver gelatin prints will be on

K. / exhibit at the Aupuni Artwall at Native Books/Nā Mea Hawai'i at Ward Warehouse. The opening reception/book

signing are Dec. 6, 6-8 p.m. Free. Mon-Sat., 10 a.m.-9 p.m./Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. For information, eall 5968885.

Sat., Dec. 6 — Nā 'Ōiwi 'Ōlino Student Debate, Art, Essay Awards

Hawaiian student finalists show their talent in the second OHA-sponsored art, essay and debate awards event. East-West Center, Keoni Auditorium. Public weleome. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free. For information, eall 594-1996.

Sun., Dec. 7 — Hōkūle'a at Ma'alaea

The Polynesian Voyaging Society sailing eanoe the Hōkūle'a is scheduled to arrive in Ma'alaea Harbor at 4:30 p.m. The arrival of the Hōkūle'a will be followed by a performance by Pukalani Hula Hale at 6 p.m. at Maui Oeean Center with a talk by Nainoa Thompson at 7 p.m. Free. For information, eall 808-270-7084.

TFiurs., Dec. 1 1 — I Ka Makahiki Reading

'Ōiwi Journal and Native Books host a literary reading, "1 Ka Makahiki " (In the Makahiki season), in conjunction with Nā Mea Hawai'i and Native Books, whieh is offering arts events in celebration of the Hawaiian season of Lono. Public is weleome. Call 5968885 for info.

Fri., Dec. 12-Sun., Dec. 14 — Historic Wooden Surfboard Series

Experience what it would have been like to surf in Hawai'i over 200 years ago. Hear chants and protocols, and see competition on solid wood surf-

boards weighing over 120 lbs. Join the celebration of Makahiki in the heart of Waikīkī, fronting the Duke Kahanamoku statue. Cultural celebration to begin on Friday, with surfing to take plaee Sat.-Sun. Event free for spectators. Call 263-2444 for info. Sat., Dec. 1 3 — John Keawe in Concert Big Island slack key guitar virtuoso John Keawe returns to Hawai'i Public Radio's Atherton Performing Arts Studio to unveil his new CD "Keaweualani," and present some classic Hawaiian songs among the traditional and original compositions. $15 HPR members; $17.50 general admission; $10 students. For reservations, eall 955-8821.

Sun., Dec. 1 4 — Richard Ho'opi'i Hawaiian Music

The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts presents Hawaiian music by National Heritage Fellowship recipient Richard Ho'opi'i at Lahainaluna High School. Free and open to the public. For information, eall 586-0304.

Sun., Dec. 21 — Ali'i Sunday In honor of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, a worship service will be held at Kawaiaha'o Church, 10 a.m. For information, eall 532-1257.

Tues., Dec. 30 — David & Dennis Kamakahi Slack Key Masters Concert

David showcases the 'ukulele and shares the stage with his father, eomposer and slack key artist Dennis, and guest host Keoki Kahumoku Jr., performing traditional Hawaiian songs and "talk-stories." Indoor Amphitheatre at the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua. $35, 6-8:30 p.m. For information, eall 888-0669-3858. ■ Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian community. Fund-raisers, benefit concerts, cultural activities, sports events and the like are what we'd like to help you promote. Send information and color photos to Ka Wai Ola o OHA 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500 Honolulu, HI 96813-5249


Makana: "Kī Hō'alu, Journey of Hawaiian Slack Key" - Onee known as the "Kl Hō'alu Kid," Makana has been showcasing his slack key wizardry throughout the islands since his teens. In his third album, Makana explores the world of slack key with renditions of songs made famous by slack key legends Gabby Pahinui, Sonny Chillingworth and Keola Beamer. Produced by Makana Music. kiik. Wk

Nō Hōkūpō: "The Perfect Harmony" - Max Sanchez, Mitchell Sanchez, Paul Martinez, Andy Llanos and Denis Apeles add a touch of Latin Jazz to their four-part harmony to spice up such classic songs as " Makee Ailana," "E Lili'u E" and "Hawai'i Calls." Produced by Moon Surfer Productions.

"Our 'Ohana's lst Christmas" - This album features traditional and original Christmas songs performed by some of the best artists in Hawai'i, including: " Winter Wonderland" by Baba B; " Christmas Don 't be Late" by 'Opihi Pickers; and "A Big Hawaiian Christmas" by Pound 4 Pound. A portion of the proceeds from this album will benefit the Hawai'i Food Bank. Produced by 'Ohana Records.

Fiji: "Best" - Fiji has been making an impact on the loeal music scene for over a decade, beginning his work with the Hawaiian Style Band in the early 1990s. This compilation contains some of his best songs, including: "Lia," "Smokin' Session," and "Warrior of Love." Produced by Ricochet Records.