Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 11, 1 November 2003 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1 U U U I U yArHawaiian D J.'īi: Kun' Hi 'i .L'iJn 1 i'i'^iill! i.-.' l/i I.iiili _ i y ~ _ r f i w y- . ' " i īhe K3me.fiorneh3 Schoolf. Ho'oulu H?w»iifln OīīHi C<M*tcr is cre^ling e Hjmpnghen&ve c?gtabīJ» o' the Hewaion poputo1nn ki si.jpport j^inning lnr lifglong Harning m Ihe Hawaiian eommim ty Throogh Ihe H^wniian Ancestry Regi5lry f ,-.?i Current Applieanl® who rtish lo he constdei»c1 unoer KS' prelerenra p<jbcyJ will be esked ln Euhmil o Haweian Ances1ry Regi&1ry 1orm nnd Eupporlir>g dQcumenls 1o Ihe De1a Cenfer f.rl Tutu^e Appheanl® ean eomplele n Hawaiian Anceslry Regislry aiil lorm now lo regi&1er > Rarenis ol children ol Hnwaiian anceslr>' ean alEū eompleO? e ■'. Hawo'ian Ance&1ry Reg;stry rorm enytme: el birlh or enytime lhereafler. Onee regisiered. applieenle will nol have to submd anceslry nlormslion Tor any subsequenl Kamehameua Schoole program lo whieh lhey epply. For more mformalion on Ihe regisiry . pleaee contact lf>e . Ho'owl» Hawaiian Da1a Cenlef aL r['*' ' www.k&be edu^djtecenler \t ^ Emeil: rcgis1ry Skebe edu v 567 Seuth Kir»g Stree1. Surte 130 Honelulu. Hawai i 96813 V- Phone 1808} 523-6228 Fen (8081 523-6286 © Kamemamiiha SctlOOLS Hin»txfiirA āeni-1 K porv w- «^IKM K U U"J e «Uuni i-o HK IPV e.-pl- MW |M"m*»orJ tiy tlA-