Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2003 — Worse than ʻIniki [ARTICLE]
Worse than ʻIniki
Mahalo nui loa to Chairperson Haunani Apoliona and the rest of the OHA trustees who participated in the events on Sept. 7-8 for their dedication and commitment to the Hawaiian people. To our exceptional team of attorneys such as Robert Klein and his staff, and all the other attorneys, mahalo! Outside the courtroom, Mr. Klein was summarizing the court hearing to a small group of people and added, "it's niee to see other people other than the plaintiffs." After Sunday, Monday's turnout was disgraceful. What's wrong with this picture? The march and lawsuits are not about Kamehameha Schools, OHA, DHHL and so on. It's about the Hawaiian people's future,
whether you attend Kamehameha Schools or are awarded homestead lands. If we lose our case, we lose EVERYTHING! This effect is going to be worse than Hurricane 'Iniki. The staff of OHA and DHHL are qualified to get other jobs, but the question is, ean we afford to lose our homes and programs? It is our duty to our ancestors that we do not let this happen. It's not OHA, not DHHL, not Mr. Klein — it is we! Johnnie-Mae L. Perry Wai'anae Valley Fiomestead Community Association OHA reserves the right īo ed.it all \etters for length, defamatory and libelous material, and other objectionable eonīenī, and reserves the right not to print any submission. AU letters must be typed, signed and not exceed. 200 word.s. Letters eannoī be published unless they are signed and. include a īelephone contact for verification. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd.., Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813, or email kwo@oha.org. ■