Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2003 — Resents 'exclusion' [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Resents 'exclusion'

My Portuguese ancestors were citizens of the old Hawaiian sovereignty. OHA and the activists want a new Hawaiian sovereignty with no pure Portuguese. How eome? Portuguese citizens of the Kingdom didn't cause the revolution, bring the disease or suppress Native Hawaiians. Rather, they merely eame to Hawai'i at the invitation of Hawaiian ali'i, and were asked to blend in, work hard and help Hawai'i grow. We kept our end of the bargain. What about you, OHA? Help everyone in Hawai'i who needs it... all of the Chinese, English, Germans, Japanese, Norwegians, Samoans, Scotch, Spanish and other descendants whom Hawaiians invited, and all of the persons who would now be citizens by birth had there been no revolution. We could care less about what blood flows through our veins, but it seems to matter too mueh to you. Please stop using public funds to seek our exclusion. Greed doesn't justify discrimination! Paul de Silva Hilo