Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 9, 1 September 2003 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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M Ā R K E T P L A C E Mōkeke Classifieds on y Type or clearly wrile your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: A 1 OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Y I ™ Make eheek payable to OHA.

LEASE F()R SALE, WAI'ANAE VALLEY HOMESTEAD 4 Bedroom/ 2 Batlis/Carport 8,600 Sq. Ft. Lot. On Busline. $130,000. Call 554-4247. WANTED: Lot in Kawailiae, Hawai'i island, mauka or makai OK. Intercstcd partics please rcply to Lani IIoward, P.O. box 2190, Kamuela, III 96743. Or eall evenings, 808-890-2333. AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE: S64.95/mo per family. Prc-cxisting conditions accepted. The noninsurance solution. Savings on Hospitals, doctors, den tal, vision and mueh m orc ! Call Myrah at 808-696-5113. CE06778. ALL THE OPIHI V()l WAN'I' FROM BIG ISLAND: For Graduation, weddings, political party lū'au, etc. Real ono, l'resh frozen, $199 - gal, $103 - 1/2 gal. Call O'ahu: 808-262-7887. ANAHOLA, KAUA'I 1 ARM L()TS: Two homes, 3/3 and 2/1 on 3 acre lot. Lush, tropical setting with lots of fruit trees and v iew. DHHL lcasc. $375,000. Daniclscn Properties (808) 235-1500.

I ()R SALE, BIG ISLAND: 3-acre lot, $19,500. Patricia Moore, RA. Worldwide Realty, ine. Call: 1-800-359-9161 or 808-963-6608 eveiiings. I ()R SALE, KAMUELA RESIDENTIAL LOT: 10,000 sq.ft. Lot has all infrastructures, and is available for immediate building. Beautiful location, view, paved road, near to schools, shopping eenters, and inain road. Lot was purchased for $32,000 and will sacrifice for $25,000 or best offer. Call: Nadine at 808-625-9421. I ()R SALE, KULA, MAUI: Approximately 2.12 acre lot, agriculture lease to 50% native Hawaiians. $125,000. Serious inquiries. Call: 760-641-8530. F()R SALE, NĀNĀKULI HOMESTEAD: Why rent when you ean own a hoine with payments less than most rent.s. This spacious 4 bdrm, 2 bath home await.s you. $125,000 (DHHL Lease). Call: Danielsen Properties for more information at. 808-235-1500. I ()R SALE, WAI'ŌIIULI, KULA, MAUI RESIDENTIAL LO'I': #100, file plan lol #129,

approximately 3/4 acres. $30K or best reasonable offer, must be 50% Hawaiian. Einail address: tomnevadal @ msn.com. HOME WANTED, O'AHU: FS or Hawaiian Homes on O'ahu. Cool, quiet neighbors, comfort.able, good condition, spacious, elean. 4/2, 2car garage, level lot. Beautifully landscaped, excl for testimony/ witnessing. Up t.o $50,000. Call 488-9553. LOI' WANTED: Kawaihae, quick sale preferred. E-mail: opalaliouse@liotmail.com. QUALITY TILE & DESIGN: Bathrooms, kitchens, floors, haeksplashes. Remodel, new construction. Free- estiinat.es. Call: Willie at. 808-286-5549 WAMEI). LOT, WAI'ŌHULI, KIJLA, MAUI: Cash purchase, quick closing, 50% Hawaiian. Call: 808-875-4092 or 280-7755. WAMEI) T() BUY: Hawaiian Hoine House Lot. in Kawaihae. Call: 808-959-1899 or 808-989-1927. ■