Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2003 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


kanehimehi kH-mK' Pul cjf An:yjh ird 5ry.pr- £vduiliDn lf1AE) dvi5rr •: ieeknj intm lcr rti re* meurh irrtErahp prcp-in\ Hli Hi'wipu. P ~r meekin -al Hi: Ha'nkip u t tn iuppwt ind menLw iturfenta rtfreītjed p reseirthhg l-riviīui rnuey The in(PTjh'p5 ire Iwa- (o frvpve-mcnlh :ilined po5tbrj r|ui Ho'aloupu "il pro'īde hind5-on E"pmo-tje t*n>jih metomip Lnk-i^ r-d suppcrt Lrcferaonil ™uitofi ird rewirth 5L1I. hrli[iparti »il pjn ibouL ediKilion-re r.trt re5tutr.. drvekip oeli«orki *i(h olher reeeir:hen. Ieirn ibouL pun jni i cireer r- o:pl ed or e':l.ej(io- re5ea-ch. zrd lee the "humon Jo:c ' tri reseirth. The nlennhipe- a-e epen b> e jTeT underjnduoie or p-Knie itjdei(5. 35 *el 15 Lnee whe hive coiuleted 0 iri'e-irty dep-ee Y*rh n L"e bs( Lh~ee fci~L. CanddiLe5 murt hi'e in iTere5t in ip^ied edjor.k™ remrcp w kkh- re>earch nd evjluilion u rt nebte5 le the vdl-beiTj ol Hi*iiar5. Ctnpe(jp-cy h cr tnow)edfce cf Hiwaiin lips tjufcure a->! co-mintf 15 peienUe. HiMEi'eh tupic5 wil be ieviev"rC for ccr4.nb j(icvi (n P^5b's reeeirch i£encb md le- (he n-iraon el Kime-aiieha Sd-ocl5. . sibi; a reeumt twi leeie-ī oi rruj u endr.cn rt a ettn- o1 nlen: L-at ini*er5 Ihe 1c(ia»iinj q.jeīiions I VVhat ire fcur edi.ca;bn and resexc>i experien:eī tc da(e' 1 e four meirth queitian. rrt wha: n~e(hadī dc fcu pb" eo uie to oddreii -.he quetco--' H i>ou do nol -B»e 0 parlkuir neinneh o-l brefy de5:ride ■eīeo'eh Icpc5 el htEre5( to fw. ord 3. ii ihe dpifcince ol jw.r researtr- wth eepniī to Lhe wel-befi j. rJ Hiwiiuu! d Hew wil tHti rternrtp iHeee aieer jcds! 5. ViVat e four p-mceed lime Ihe? The etter cf urten[ mus( rcude ehe ^pl e it 5 mme. !cdres5. pho--e nmie- emii a.T! brisl dtetnplion ol rtutBt»-aJ iHiimnem. Sor-pl« cf pmiM yyoīV xe liīo e*co xqstd Send il appltaticr. r-iteriib (n: KamehaMeha Sc:HfOLS Adcp Anilf5a xxi Sfītem tvilujii»- (^AKl H11 He'okupu Resrarh rternnp P-^nm 5 Kinj. j:rteL SuLe I W HonouLH «013 Hj- i li'iv,ll h 1 pueh'5 leprr '."cs vrctf« tol 5Lppwi5 kaneea'-ehi iehaoh' dkn5 oa eneu e readi 10 mcre Miiv.j i-l Fur moie mlonnaeiein. po tc 1 \ I a, \ ^